Workout class fail



  • AliB118
    AliB118 Posts: 27 Member
    Yeah, screw her. I had a boot camp instructor like that once. They have issues, you don't. I hope you find a better class with a more compassionate instructor!
  • Sarasari
    Sarasari Posts: 139 Member
    Just wanted to applaud you for your sticking it out to go back with another class and instructor. Please do follow through on reporting her. Nobody needs that kind of negativity. The gym will want to know what kind of teachers are representing them, if they don't, it's not the right place. I've been to classes where the teacher jokes about " the other left" but it is always in a light hearted manner and never calling an individual out. I am sorry that was not the case. There are a lot of great teachers out there, I hope she didn't ruin it for you. Go out there and kick some butt, you got this!