Keep falling off track :(

hey everyone!

So I'm a 20 year old college junior. I have been trying for so long to get my little belly pudge off. It's honestly not much, but it's enough for me to want to get rid of. I also want to be healthier! But I keep falling off track.

Sometimes I get the munchies, sometimes I just don't feel like it, sometimes I'm too tired to cook, sometimes I just don't care. But I really want to do better this time! Lately it's like I'll do really well for 3-5 days then have a day or two of completely bad habits. Or, I'll have a day when I do great and I'll be with friends or boyfriend in the evening and end up eating snacks or whatever they have.

I want this time to be the last time I fall off track. I want to be stronger and really reach my goal.

Tips from personal experience would be amazing. Thank you!


  • Callie516
    Callie516 Posts: 358 Member
    This is something that can be very tricky, no one is the same therefore not everything works for everyone. Its definitely about willpower and perseverance. You find what works for you and you stick with it. For me the will to lose weight became greater than all the self doubts, all the times I tried and failed, and I wanted it more than the fast food, extra servings or mindless snacking. It became so big to me that I breathed it.

    At first I made up my mind that this is what I wanted, then I started cutting down on my food. I never stopped eating what I was before, but I did stick very strongly to portion sizes. After a few days of sticking to my diet I started running and every other day doing strength training. At that point it was still hard to not jump on the scale every day or two times a day to see if I had already made some progress, but I managed to convince myself that if I stuck to what I was doing all in good time I would see a change. I started weighing myself once a week along with self measurements. The weight just started melting off. That's when my diet really took off. I looked at food as fuel instead of how I had been looking at it for the past 15 years. I would weigh myself first thing in the morning on Saturday and that same day would also be my cheat day. I looked at it kind of like a reward. Even though it was a cheat day I still did my best to pay attention to what I was eating and how much, but I definitely gave myself some room to loosen up and enjoy myself.

    I'm not sure if this was helpful or not. This is a lifestyle and I think by looking at it as a diet, in our minds we automatically limit ourselves, because diets suck. and I really believe a "diet" isn't meant to last. Even if you eat what you want just try to limit it as much as you can. The main thing is to be healthy, that is the most important part throughout all of this! Work on your strengths and build up your willpower, its there, we just have to train it. its all about being stubborn no matter what. the more you challenge yourself the easier it gets, you just gotta get past that hump.
  • bulk_n_cut
    bulk_n_cut Posts: 389 Member
    for me, the best way to get rid of laziness before an activity is to just force myself to get the hell up and start doing it. eventually, within a couple minutes, it aint so bad :) whether that be cooking, working out, studying, anything...just force yourself to do it. things start flowing on their own after a few minutes into it
  • erryereri
    erryereri Posts: 24 Member
    From your age, to your goal, to your problems you're exactly the same as me lolol.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited March 2015
    Weigh your food and log it all.
    Support with regular exercise both cardio and resistance.
    Make sure the math is correct and so you are in deficit.
    COMMIT to consistency.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you just have to keep doing it. keep logging everything. got the munchies? no worries, log that bag of doritos. but just keep logging everything, every day.

    and you have to get rid of that "all or nothing" mentality. i know that it's easy enough to think "well, i had a crappy lunch, might as well have an unhealthy dinner" but you have to get past a previous mistake.

    just keep logging everything. and try and log it before you eat that way you can see what the calories are before you consume them. might make you think twice.
  • PurelyAmy
    PurelyAmy Posts: 21 Member
    I've written a blog post about keeping motivated and some great exercises to keep your metabolism high.
  • mom4tav
    mom4tav Posts: 21 Member
    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

    Forgive yourself.. and try again.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited March 2015
    "Fall off track" lol.


    You consciously, with purpose, decide and *choose* to JUMP off the tracks. It doesn't just happen. It isn't an accidental trip-and-fall, right?

  • I asked for support, not a slap in the face thanks ✋
  • Everyone else, thank you for the responses and advice!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    When you're ready, you'll go get it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I asked for support, not a slap in the face thanks ✋

    support and a slap in the face aren't mutually exclusive things.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Lift heavy weights.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited March 2015
    I asked for support, not a slap in the face thanks ✋

    Support doesn't mean smiles, unicorns, and rainbows.

    You're welcome.

    You *will* continue your frustrating struggle, and ultimately *will* fail unless/until you find that accountability I "slapped you in the face" with.

    Have fun with that ...

  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    hey everyone!

    So I'm a 20 year old college junior. I have been trying for so long to get my little belly pudge off. It's honestly not much, but it's enough for me to want to get rid of. I also want to be healthier! But I keep falling off track.

    Sometimes I get the munchies, sometimes I just don't feel like it, sometimes I'm too tired to cook, sometimes I just don't care. But I really want to do better this time! Lately it's like I'll do really well for 3-5 days then have a day or two of completely bad habits. Or, I'll have a day when I do great and I'll be with friends or boyfriend in the evening and end up eating snacks or whatever they have.

    I want this time to be the last time I fall off track. I want to be stronger and really reach my goal.

    Tips from personal experience would be amazing. Thank you!

    I think you'll do fine. Re-read your first post. See how you take responsibility for the choices you later regret? Internal locus of control. That is what's going to help you be successful. You're taking responsibility. Keep it up and commit to making choices you will be proud of.