
Boredboytn Posts: 40
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I know a lot of people don't agree with Atkins but honestly, it is the only thing that has ever worked for me. Recently, I tried the 'old fashioned' way of going on a diet.. calorie counting, working out, ect... and yes, it did work, for a while. Now, 5 months after I started this calorie counting diet, I have gained 20 lbs back from the 37 that I lost. I have no one to blame except myself seeing that I did stray but the cravings on this kind of diet is just too much for me..

I have been on Atkins before. I was on it for 7 months at one time and I lost 100 lbs. I did it all wrong back then, Yes, I lost weight but I didn't drink hardly any water and my kidneys paid for it.. I KNOW Atkins works and I am going back to that diet starting today.. This time I will drink much more water than I normally do and also work out (which is something else I never did when I was on the diet for 7 months)

I would love to see a more 'Atkins friendly' choice on this site. For example... on Atkins, I only count Carbs but everything about this site is set up to count calories and even the daily goal on my food tracker is WAY too high when it comes to carbs.

Anyone else on Atkins? I would love to have some support from people on Atkins because, as anyone who has done it can tell you, it is unlike any other diet out there today.


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I've done Atkins before--I had to quit because I was just too tired on it. I have seen many people on this site who are doing it.

    I follow a low carb low sugar plan but I also keep my calories and fat in check as well.

    good luck to you on your journey :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm on a low carb diet. I guess you could call it Atkins, but I don't follow Atkins rules. I just try to keep my carbs around 20g per day.

    Yes, MFP won't let you customize your settings exactly the way you want, but I've got it working for me. I'm at 1600 calories with 5% carbs (which somehow comes to 20g of carbs). It's very important to drink a lot of water, even more than the standard 8 glasses. I find the more I drink, the more it helps my weight loss.

    It's not a diet for everyone, and I say that all the time. But it works really well for me. I feel fantastic when I'm on it. More energy. Healthier.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    You can edit your calories and carbs and everything.
    My Home> Goals>Change Goals :)
  • cdelay2
    cdelay2 Posts: 10
    You can go to your MFP settings and change what you are counting. For example you can add that you are counting carbs if you arent currently counting them in your food diary.

    Hope this helps...

    Good Luck.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    Just remember to watch what kinds of meats you are eating. Not all are created equal. Also, if you are starting to add carbs back in check out The Zone diet by Barry Sears. It is a low carb diet as well but doesn't completly cut them out. It promotes healthy fruits and vegetables, fats, and protein. When I was first starting The Zone diet my endocrine doctor told me to not to Atkins because while it helps in the short term, it does not have great health benefits long term. Just something to think about.

    Personally, I have a hard time just counting calories. I do much better counting carbs and feel like if I go over in a meal I can easily get back on track with the next. Everyone needs to find what works for them and stick with it. Good luck and keep us posted!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    A lot of "low carbers" on here, and you can go into your settings and change the % of Carbs, Protein, fat.
  • I love Atkins, I am on it, I just set my carbs at 5%. but it is very east to monitor on MFP. I have not been hungry once while on Atkins. Something I am also dong now is keeping my Carbs below 20 and my calories below what MFP reccomends. This is just too easy, I dont know why everybody isn't on Atkins.
  • I did atkins about 3 years ago and managed to lose 15 lbs in 2 weeks but I ate some rice in a moment of weakness and after that couldn't seem to resist the cravings for carbs. This time I'm not following a plan but sticking to lower carbs and very little sugar and drinking lots of water. I'm only 2 days in but it seems to be working so far. I think each person just has to find what works for them and stick to it. Some days will be harder than others but you just have to do it one day at a time :)
  • alexisrebecca
    alexisrebecca Posts: 39 Member
    I'm on Atkins, well, cutting carbs down to 20g per day, I need to make sure that im not eating too much protein, I have recently read that too much protein is bad?? can anyone shed some light on this please?


  • I did Atkins for 6 weeks and lost 19 lbs but it was the amount of fat you are meant to eat that I struggle with. That and the lack of fibre! I've decided to stick to under 1200 cals and under 50g of carbs, but all the carbs to come from fruit and veg. Still no bread, pasta, potato's etc. And to keep the proteins up but keep it quite lean. I also tried Dukan and that made me feel really terrible!
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    Me! I aim for 20g carbs per day. I've never felt better in my life!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm on low carb too mostly because the carbs fill up my calories way too quickly and don't keep me filling full long enough. Seems to be working really well for me.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Anyone who is interested in doing the Atkins plan, please go get the books New Diet Revolution.

    I was told by my doctor to do Low Carb. I started Atkins on my own, because of all the facts and resources about it. Atkins is not just about eating high fat, cheese and meats. There are options for veggies and whole grains....there are 4 different phases of Atkins. If you are in Induction, it limits alot of food yes...but come on. I have a steak, brussel sprouts and a salad full of EVERYTHING I love (mushrooms, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, blue cheese dressing, bacon and yes I count out 12 croutons) for dinner. That is not bad right? For breakfast I have a Atkins bar with a cup of coffee with whipped topping on top :) I have extra sharp cheddar cheese on top of 2 hamburger patties with cucumber slices for lunch.... I love this way of eating....just LOVE it!!!

    And for those of you who drink the Atikins shakes.....I buy EAS Carb Advantage, they have 2 carbs and taste the same for 1/2 the can get em at Cosco or Sams.
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