Struggling to lose weight !!

What am I doing wrong ?? I'm pretty much eating under my allowed calorie intake but am not losing weight, I don't need to lose a lot as I am not over weight buts it's so frustrating !! I also go to the gym 3-4 times a week and have quite an active job, if anyone can help I will really appreciate it !! :)


  • Hallsoa25
    Hallsoa25 Posts: 5 Member
    You might not be eating enough calories. I am really overweight and thought that if I ate less I would lose more. But I just learned that eating less will cause you to gain weight because your body will work to store the food and save it for later. Hope that helps.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Hallsoa25 wrote: »
    You might not be eating enough calories. I am really overweight and thought that if I ate less I would lose more. But I just learned that eating less will cause you to gain weight because your body will work to store the food and save it for later. Hope that helps.

    This is completely wrong, sorry! You can't gain weight when in a calorie deficit.

    You're probably eating more than you think. You need to use a food scale, and weigh and log everything. Also, don't eat back more than 50% of your exercise burns, and only log intentional exercise, not anything that you were doing when you weren't losing. Everyday things like work and walking the dog should be included in your activity level in your MFP settings.

    See this post that is stickied in the General Weight loss forum:

    Logging Accuracy, Consistency, and You're Probably Eating More Than You Think