New member

Hi, my name is Belinda, I can't wait to get started! My goal is to lose 60 pounds, and I hope I have the support and willpower to keep me motivated.


  • crysclear5
    Hi Belinda! I'm Crystal! I have been using MFP for less than 2 months but have made a great start. I am down 19lbs! I am hoping that I have the will power to continue on! It was not an easy change for me, but each pound that I lose encourages me to continue on this path. Personally, I am doing a 1200 calorie diet and watching everything I eat. I track everything I eat in MFP that way I can keep up with my carbs, calories, fats, sugars, and sodium. As long as I end the day below my limits, I eat whatever I want. With that being said, I am making better choices since I started being accountable for each item I eat. As a result, I have been able to come off of my two blood pressure meds with my weight loss so far. If I can do, you can too! Add me as a friend if you would like to.