chubby tattooed and tired mommys



  • kelli_khaotic
    kelli_khaotic Posts: 15 Member
    What are some tips that you guys can give a beginner
    Meal ideas ,exercises ,etc
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    What is your goal for weightloss? .5-2lbs a week? What kinda exercise do u like to do?
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    What are some tips that you guys can give a beginner
    Meal ideas ,exercises ,etc

    Check out the blog 100Days of real food. Not terribly preachy but lots of good recipies!
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
  • kondrak
    kondrak Posts: 1
    Add me! I have an 8 year old step son and an 18month old son with special needs. I've got 5 tattoos and my reward for when i get to my goal weight is a new tattoo :). I've got 30lbs to go....
  • kelli_khaotic
    kelli_khaotic Posts: 15 Member
    I love cardio and i have a great elliciptical that i cant do but for 2 minutes at a time
    I need to lose at least 2 pounds a week am hoping to drop 40-60 pounds i wanna be around 180-190
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    What are some tips that you guys can give a beginner
    Meal ideas ,exercises ,etc

    Can you get to a gym? Or do you workout at home?

    My husband works shifts so I can fit my gym sessions round that. I do spinning, a HIIT class, circuits, kettlebell, PT sessions etc. I've been jogging a few times too and I've signed up for 2 5Ks, one in May, one in August (a colour run) and also an obstacle race in July. It's like a girly obstacle race with inflatable obstacles covered in mud lol, raising money for cancer research.

    I think it's good to have targets, like the running for me. I'd never run a 5K until last Sept, and now I can do it without stopping. If you can get to a gym, might be worth having a few PT sessions. I find doing a lot of strength training helps.

    I also keep very active with the kids, always take them out on their scooters, to the park etc. I've got a Fitbit so I can make sure I get my steps in.

    Food wise, I usually eat eggs for breakfast, something like tuna or cottage cheese with salad and crackers for lunch, and dinner could be chicken or fish and veg, stir fry, stew, jacket potato, lasagne or spaghetti... Snacks are rice cakes, mini baby bel lights, natural yogurt, fruit etc.
    I allow myself little treats now and again, I haven't banned anything.
  • kelli_khaotic
    kelli_khaotic Posts: 15 Member
    I work out at home usually
    I have been eating a special k bar and yogurt for breakfest then half bagel for lunch with a lil cream cheese then we dont eat anything but chicken in my house,
    Fri and sat are our cheat days tho so we eat what ever we want those days in small portions

    Am considering putting my calorie intake alot lower then 1000 calories
  • rebbajay
    rebbajay Posts: 10 Member
    For me, if I consistently stay that low, my body holds on to fat. I also start to run out of energy to get through my days, let alone workout. I sometimes have a day or two per week that I'm lower than the 1200 that you aren't supposed to drop below, but I'm also sometimes a couple hundred over, like yesterday when I had a birthday party to run full of boys. Just be good to your body, maybe you can go lower, but some people lose their hair and screw up their cycles. We can all do this!
  • I'm also a tired tattooed mommy in need of support and motivation. My little boy is almost 3 now and I'm still toting those extra 30lbs. I want and need to get fit and healthy for him as I just turned 40 in December. Husband has been in Fl for 7 months now and we hope to join him soon. I'd really like to surprise him with a new healthy attitude. Would love an add.
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm not a mommy, I'm a teacher though. I'd love to offer my support and help. I've been doing this for about two months and lost 10 kilos, around 20 pounds I guess. I have an open diary, but most of the things are in Spanish, but you can ask me anything.

    I really admire anyone trying to do this, and more if you have a life on your care. As a teacher I get tired, and I can't imagine what's like to be a mom...

    Tattoos are not an option, although I love them, because my skin is one big never ending problem for me.

    Anyway, you all can do this and you rock for doing it!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I work out at home usually
    I have been eating a special k bar and yogurt for breakfest then half bagel for lunch with a lil cream cheese then we dont eat anything but chicken in my house,
    Fri and sat are our cheat days tho so we eat what ever we want those days in small portions

    Am considering putting my calorie intake alot lower then 1000 calories

    No! Don't go lower than 1000. I lost 66lbs after my 2nd baby eating around 1500 and I'm losing now after my 3rd eating 1500-1600, sometimes more.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I work out at home usually
    I have been eating a special k bar and yogurt for breakfest then half bagel for lunch with a lil cream cheese then we dont eat anything but chicken in my house,
    Fri and sat are our cheat days tho so we eat what ever we want those days in small portions

    Am considering putting my calorie intake alot lower then 1000 calories

    Honestly, you will hurt your metabolism doing that. You probably need to increase your calories to lose weight (sounds counterproductive, but it's true).

    About 18 months ago I started working after 8 years at home. I was exercising hard, but the scale wasn't moving. When I tracked my intake for a while, I found that I was only eating about 1600-1800 calories a day. My trainer told me to increase to 2200 a day...and I started losing!!

  • kelli_khaotic
    kelli_khaotic Posts: 15 Member
    See thats what i wonder too if am possibly sabotaging myself by not eating enough
    Am not a huge eater as is especially breakfest its hard enough getting myself to eat my yogurt but i truly wonder if a professional nutritionist would tell me to take in more calories
  • LonniJay
    LonniJay Posts: 3,740 Member
    Hello, I fit in here too, I have a crazy 4 year old daughter and gained weight after pregnancy and just kept on gaining. Trying to get healthy and make a complete life change to lose and maintain my weight and also to keep my family healthy. Was doing great but lost my motivation and recently got it back. Thinking with support I may not give up again. Orinally wanted to lose 123 lbs... I weighed 263 at my heaviest, currently weigh 222 lbs =D 82 lbs to go!
  • FlattRN
    FlattRN Posts: 19 Member
    I'm new to the community support and could really use it too! I'm a mommy of two, tattooed, RN with two jobs, and in college again! And chubby! Friend me up!
  • I am a tired chubby mommy of 4 kids lol. They are 13, 10, 9, 7. I am trying to make a lifestyle change. To lose weight gradually so that I might keep it off this time. I've lost 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks and it's definitely a start. Been making healthier choices and cutting out most fast food and sugar drinks. I'm 5'8", and started at 269lbs, heaviest in my life. I'm 266 now and I have a large frame so I would be comfortable maintaining a weight between 200-220 lbs.

    To all the moms trying to lose the weight, keep it up! You're doing awesome!! Never give up!!!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Ok. Just had to check in and make sure I didn't "sleep post" this. The caption is me...thought maybe I posted something inadvertently. :p
  • bekanswer
    bekanswer Posts: 25 Member
    I have one tattoo and one kid. I want another... Tattoo not kid.
    I've lost 47lb so far with another 20 or more pounds to go. All of my fat hangs around my mid, its so blah. I was 202 and am 155 now. I'm 5'2" so I definitely show my weight.
    I'm vegetarian. On 1240 calorie intake, but I tend to eat more. I walk everywhere. 4 miles each more with child and dogs.
    My diary is open. Add me if you like :D
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    See thats what i wonder too if am possibly sabotaging myself by not eating enough
    Am not a huge eater as is especially breakfest its hard enough getting myself to eat my yogurt but i truly wonder if a professional nutritionist would tell me to take in more calories

    Although people on the forums will tell you 'you'll lose weight in a deficit' I think eating too little doesn't help. I used to think I had to eat 1200 calories to be thin, and I was thin, but I also got ill a lot and I wasn't toned. I also found when I started eating normally (like when I was pregnant) I gained a lot, quickly.

    Now I eat 1500-1600, sometimes more, and I lose, plus I have the energy for really good workouts, and for my kids. After my 2nd baby I got down to the thinnest I'd been since my early 20s and I was 35. Hoping to do the same again.

    Don't worry if you don't like breakfast, you can make the calories up another time. Do you like nuts? I love snacking on an apple with peanut butter, that's about 200 calories. Or carrots/cucumber and hummus has quite a few calories but isn't hugely filling.

    I'm 5'6 and was 154lbs pre-pregnancy (a UK size 10/12...US 6/8) and now I'm around 180lbs (see profile pic) and my third baby is nearly 11 months. I'm really sad as I didn't expect it to take so long to lose the baby weight, and I was at the gym until 38 weeks pregnant and I logged too and didn't go above maintenance.