I am so angry about this post, I felt compelled to share it.



  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Must be miserable to have to be perfect all the time.........basically because no one is perfect so she is just a failure all the time, judging people makes her feel better.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Of course that was idiotic but I found one thing I liked;

    "When your desire for a hot body is stronger than your desire for food, then you will succeed in dieting.”

    It's the same thing as saying "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". It doesn't necessarily encourage healthy eating but for those of us doing well and know all about a balanced diet and nutritional requirements but have the willpower of a newborn we need to say tough things sometimes.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    this just blew me away! I pray that nobody here on my fitness pal let's that little wench influence them.
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    Wow :(
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm Canadian and spent a year in Japan in 2001 and travelled throughout Korea, China, Thailand. I made many wonderful Asian friends. But, I do understand the sentiment about weight over there. It's pretty awful. There are many anorexic girls in Japan as they will just eat vermicelli noodles and nothing else. It is unacceptable to be fat there. First of all, they don't understand it. In Japan it's kind of hard to end up fat with the diet most people eat. My friends (older ladies) had no concept of what a 'diet' is . They seem to think that all westerners are on a 'diet'. Not sure why. Since most everyone is thin, you're kind of an outcast if you are fat. Also, they are focused on a 'youth' culture...ie. schoolgirl fetishes. so if you are not young, pretty, you're kind of ignored.
    I love my Japanese and Korean friends, but at times they might sound 'rude' with some of their comments and questions. I really don't think they mean to be. Diet, divorce is all outside their experiences and they are curious. I mean the previous generation was focused on not 'starving' (during WW2)....also 1960-70's in Korea.
    The song is a bit silly as the writer knew she would insult people and obviously wanted to or didn't care. She's making a name for herslef. Asian girls struggle with a lot of things in their lives. It's too bad this is adding one more to their list.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Well, i don't even know where to begin. i could not even finish reading the whole thing because it was such $%^&^. i just find it sad that unfortunately that's what a lot of asians come to believe.

    Being asian myself ( I know you can't tell from my pic) I know the pressure to be thin. The first thing my mom usually says to me is not hello, it's: you are fat. you should lose weight.:mad: I remember when I started losing weight, my sisters had told my mom about it and when she first saw me, she just took off my coat ( it was winter) to see how much weight I had lost. She asked me what I was doing to lose weight and I only said I jump around. She told me that I should continue jumping around a lot more. SAD :noway:

    I remember being a teenager and my asian friends would comment on how little they weighed (about 90-95 lbs wet) but then are only 5 feet tall max. I am friggin' 5 feet 4 and i thought I was fat at 109 lbs. I am a giant by asian standards, there is no way i can weigh less than 100lbs.:grumble:

    I too am happy that I grew up in the West ( is Canada considered west ???) and have been able to make my own choices. Yes I am overweight, but I assume it. I carry well my weight even when I was 181lbs. I packed on the pounds with my pregnancies but I have no regrets. My husband loves me at any size and never put pressure on me to lose weight.

    I really admire you for being strong in your opinions. Don't let this ruin your day.:flowerforyou:
  • locomotion
    locomotion Posts: 67
    She may have what it takes to be a celeb but, she d#@* sure doesn't have what it takes to be a human being.
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Cathy thank god for someone with a bit of sensitivity here.

    Yes the interview is pretty horrendous, but the sweeping reference to Asian people shocked me almost as much. i am guessing it was the anger, which I understand.

    Through all the garbage she does have a few minor points I agree with....Being fat is often down to a lack of self control. It is for me and my larger friends. It is our fault we are fat and we could do something about it. Other people are thin because the do things differently to us. (Obviously I don't include those with illness here).

    But........It is difficult to have that control as we live in a Westernised society driven by capitalism and greed. All the food we can ever want and eat, prepackaged, available, society norms which allow us to eat when we feel like it. Food interlinked with entertainment and snacking...then all bound up in a society which says thin is beautiful and means success, which then leads to a cycle of depression which makes us eat more. It is a cruel joke.

    most of what this woman says is attention seeking crazy drivel, but I understand where she is coming from, even if I cannot condone her insane methods of achieving it!
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    OMG So mean and disgusting ...how can one think being fat is the end of the world..

    I was so disgusted, I stopped reading half way thru...... I think this so called celebrity needs mental help.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    It's really crap like this that made me move away from Taiwan. I grew up in the States and when I went back to live in Taiwan in 2005, I was bombarded by comments about how 'fat' I was even thought I was around 128lbs. I hated every time I turn on the tv, every channel is advertising 'skinniness' and diet products. Everywhere I went I was being judged because I was 'bigger' than most girls. I had to buy large size clothes because their Small is size 0 and a large is equivalent to a small size 6. I couldn't eat normally because my mom controlled my food so I can be thin and be 'normal' as she called it. My grandmom said no one will ever marry me because I'm 'always a little fat'. Shop clerks won't let me try on their clothes because 'we don't have your size and you will stretch out our clothes if you try them on.'

    I think it's really hard for westerners to understand unless you've lived in that culture long enough. If any shop clerks made that comment above to anyone in California, you'd sure someone would've been sued for discrimination or at least a can of whoop *kitten* would be called in order. But in Asia, it's allowed, almost expected! I've asked my mom before, how come my foreign friends don't have to 'be thin' to be normal, my mom has actually said, 'because they're foreign girls and they will always find some foreign guys that will like them. You want to attract a nice Asian man so you have to be thin'. Well, I shut her up when I started dating everyone BUT Asians...

    I've never been so unhappy except for the time I was in Taiwan. I was the thinnest I've ever been but I was sad because I was hungry, all the time! My mom used to hide food around the house and there will be no food after 6pm. I used to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night to get food from the local 7-11 and throw away the evidence. I've taken diet tea, I've taken diet pills, I've been on 500kcal a day and although I was thin, I was just damn sad. My mom used to say to me, 'if you want to be thin, hunger is to be expected. If you're feeling hungry, that means you're burning calories!'

    I understand a lot of Asian females are not educated about weight loss and they only want quick fixes so I think it is even more important to spread the good messages. A while ago, there was a blog written by another Taiwanese girl, who is not a celebrity, just another girl. She weighed 180lbs at 5'2 and she exercised and ate healthy and took her a full year to lose the weight. She promoted weight training, she promoted eating 5x a day and shockingly, she promoted eating carbs! Her blog entry got no press, no one 'commented' on her loss, no one even cared! But gibberish like the one I posted gets to be on Chinese news site? Stupid girl like 'Petite S' gets a show AND a sponsorship? God it just irks me so much!

    Sorry..I'm ranting...I just really wish I could show my Asian friends that the healthy way to do it is the way to go but even them, who's witnessed my weight loss first hand, don't believe that I did it the healthy way. They are still convinced I starved myself to get this way! It almost feels like they just refuse to believe the truth....
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    omg! i would like to smack this woman upside the head! thank you for being outraged. to many girls feel like that and need to know its wrong.
  • rundgrenfan
    rundgrenfan Posts: 211
    Very interesting. A lot of the things she said, especially the most hateful, are all things I have said to myself about being fat.

    Hearing someone else say them makes me see how much they hurt.

    I feel very sorry for this person or anyone for whom being thin is really all there is to their life.

    Thank you so much for the new things to think about!
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    Celebrity talk trash all the time which is why I don't read any celebrity orientated magazines or tv etc. Its horrible really. Every time I go to Asia, there are always these celebrity weight loss advertisements all over the place. I kind of pity them in the way because they must get a lot of pressure to put on that public image to be skinny. This celebrity just sounds resentful, insecure and probably has a lot of self hate. I doubt she has any real friends with an attitude like that too. What a way to live.
  • lady95
    lady95 Posts: 46
    This can't be for real!

    "Fatties" is no better than any other slur out there, if you ask me. And I can become whatever the hell I want to become, achieve whatever the hell I want to achieve, no matter the weight. Plenty of fat people made their marks on history--

    what a dumb thing to judge someone by! People should be judged by their character, or not at all. God, this is ignorant, I don't blame you for getting so mad.
  • pisceanangel
    This is ridiculous! I am Asian (Philippines) but my culture is not like this, we actually love our food and we are not forced by our own parents not to eat because, really, that is just wrong!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I stopped reading about half way through. She can kiss my big oversized @55.
  • chasekilgannon
    I definitely can see why people are angry and hurt by such a message, but I lawled. I lawled because while this is a fudged up message to a young and impressionable age group (doesn't matter what culture, any country has people who say things like this or parade around with an a$$hat firmly attached to their heads), I see that it's idiotic. We all did when we were reading it, and I think the people that "liked" it either did so because they were amused at the stupidity (a la Paris Hilton) or have never been even remotely close to a heavy weight.

    I laughed because to me it's a classic controversial publicity stunt that seemed to work great for her. That's what I saw of the message, and I know the only critic I will be concerned with is myself. That's who I've been battling for years, and some crazy lady who can't find a synonym for "fattie" is not going to hold a candle to my own judgements of myself.

    I do think it's a horrible message to be spreading because of the chance that it can be taken seriously as advice, but yeah, it didn't affect me adversely by reading it.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I've been checking on Chinese sites that 'advertised' her rant...and the comments from a lot of these girls make me want to cry....

    *She is so right. I don't deserve to eat, I deserve to be fat.
    *It's only hunger, I really need to just deal with it.
    *This is super cool. I am sharing with all of my friends. Everyone should read this.
    *I'm so glad to found this. I'm going to be chanting to myself everytime I want to eat.
    *I'm 159cm and 59kgs, I am a little fat...I should be better...(159cm and 59kg is fat?! WTF?!?)
    *Anyone who wants to give up dieting should read this.

    And there's a lot more but I just got madder and sadder...

    I just wanted to say how glad I am to have found My Fitness Pal. I'm 31 years old, a good 20 years of my life (yes, 20 years, my mother's put me on a diet since I was 11...) I've been going the wrong way about this whole weight loss journey. Even though I grew up in the States, the years I did live with my mom I felt so unattractive everytime I gained a little bit of weight. I was never more than 125lbs when I was in high school but even then I was still considered 'fat'. Even entering adulthood, I always believed that if I ate less, I will lose weight. Honestly, if I didn't find MFP, I would've tried to lose the weight the same way I've always done it, 5 day diet, 7 day diet, Atkin's Diet, South Bean diet, Zone diet, no food, just water and breathing diet, etc. I found MFP by accident and for the first time in my life, I had a clear picture of what I was doing. If you are new to MFP and are reading this, this site is a jewel. Let your MFP friends help you through the tough times and celebrate the good times all together. I couldn't have done any of this without any of my friends on this site. It's friends like the ones I've made on here that keep me sane and not buy into all the gibberish I've originally posted. I think, if I didn't have MFP and if I was back in my old ways, I would've read it as my Mantra as well. I probably would've printed out and put it all over my house to remind me of what a 'fattie' I am.

    Thank you to MFP for helping me see a clearer and healthier path. I owe my weight loss to you. xx

    God I wish I could find a way to ban this woman from tv...
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i totally share your anger about this. btw i read this a while ago in the chinese media (i live in china) and while i didn't like petite S before, i especially dislike her now. reading it the first time made me feel ill, now reading it again makes me so MAD.

    unfortunately her attitude is prevalent among young women here. i hate it. you can never be too thin. it is so obvious to me that many girls have eating disorders here, and they are not only socially acceptable but ENCOURAGED. i am a recovering anorexic. i would never wish my condition on my worst enemy. i want to shake the girls who say "oh yeah, dieting is easy, just eat once a day." "i am just going to eat one apple a day! i can lose weight so fast!"

    the thing about "three digits" made me cringe. i weigh 124lbs at 5'7". this is by no means fat, but my fiance's aunties love to tell me "you'd look so good at about 98lbs!" ummm. no. i do not. i have been hospitalized and put on a feeding tube at 98lbs. it is horrible.

    i find that here, generally, anyone over about 52kg here is considered "fat" regardless of height.

    grr >_<;;;;;
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I've said most of this to myself at one time or another - but the fact that someone else is saying it makes it worse. Wow...