Needs motivation from someone who's in the same position

hey, I started this in January and have had a week off and now neeeed to get back in to behaving!! Could use some motivation and Encouragement from people in the Same situation


  • dmartins2002
    dmartins2002 Posts: 21 Member
    you can add me if you like...
  • jeremiahkrystofiak
    I myself just took a couple of days off, what i started doing was putting a picture of what i want to look like on the fridge to curb eating when bored
  • Northernlight03
    Northernlight03 Posts: 1,980 Member
    That's a good idea....does it work?i have a quote board up in my kitchen and try and put a new quote on everyday but I think the hardest thing is getting back in the swing of things
  • hannah_godsmark
    hannah_godsmark Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new to it but eager to give it a good go so by all means add me and we'll attack it together
  • purplestar9
    You can add me if you like too. I bought myself a dress 2 sizes smaller, thats my motivation lol everyday I take a peek at it and somehow manage to build up willpower to say No!