Runners what are your biggest threats when running outside?



  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    cars always run facing traffic
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    Can't say I have ever been concerned with being "attacked" while running. I have had dogs come out at me in the street. I usually turn on them and chase them back. My biggest fear is drivers, particularly when it is cold out and they do not bother to fully scrape their windows before leaving their parking spot.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I like to run at 4:30 AM in an urban setting so traffic is very light and the crazys are sleeping it off. I also find it fun to run through the parts of town that most people wouldn't dare to go into. I sometimes play "Ingress" during my runs ( which encourages me to go areas unfamiliar or farther away. This weekend was my worst encounter though. I was concentrating on an approach to a narrow sidewalk on a bridge and caught my toe on a stick. I went down hard and was trying to miss the bridge rail and stay out of the traffic, I survived.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Idiot drivers.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Idiot divers, ice, skunks & Canada geese (in no particular order). One of my friends got bitten by a dog last year while riding on the same path I run on but I've yet to have a dog behave aggressively towards me.

    I have seen (rarely) bear tracks along the river but we have black bears around here and they tend to be reluctant to come into contact with humans and I don't worry too much about the deer (I suppose a buck during the rut could get aggressive if he thought I was hitting on his harem.... B) )
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    There are skunks in my area and I always get a bit nervous when running through the woods and I start smelling that faint whiff of a skunk somewhere nearby. I've never been sprayed though.

    The biggest dangers I run into are:
    Loose dogs (but never had a rough encounter with one, luckily)
    Cars (never assume they saw you when they looked your way, they might run your butt over).
    Uneven ground
  • kayna1225
    kayna1225 Posts: 53 Member
    ice...I live in not an experienced all. but I did a 10 mile run outside yesterday(I could NOT do that on my treadmill) and slipped 2x
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Drivers #1 - been hit 3x (luckily no injuries) while on a bike - all in Florida by distracted drivers. Dogs - people simply have no idea how to properly socialize animals and I have two houses on my block I have to avoid. The dogs are fenced in, but constantly chew through the boards and take aggressive stances when I run/bike passed with my kids. I keep a small super-soaker with ammonia for emergencies. Only had to use it once - more to protect the dog when he went after me on a bike. Hate stupid pet owners.
  • LeftHandCyclist
    LeftHandCyclist Posts: 11 Member
    Look out for the coyotes they can be very aggressive. I carry a wooden practice katana when running the trails at night in and around Niwot, Colorado. I'll also carry mace in a pocket or strapped to the hand. We had a guy attacked by three coyotes no to long ago in the early morning hours just a mile or so from my house.
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    edited March 2015
    Distracted drivers (I make eye contact with them) and rocks that I don't see. Not so dangers, cat calling teenage boys.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    The only time I ever felt in danger was once in my neighborhood. A guy driving his kids to the bus stop almost hit me as he sped by. He never even saw me. (I don't run there anymore!)

    I run through a local National Park regularly and always see lots of wildlife, but I never feel threatened by anything.

    The local trails are pretty safe, at least I will go on thinking they are until something happens! I will remain oblivious!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I encounter loose dogs often, I run with my dog so it always worries me a little they will be aggressive toward myself or my pooch, but so far we have not had any real issue besides just the annoyance of a lose dog interrupting our run. It does amaze me how many owners seem to think it's ok that their dog (whom I don't know) just ran up to me (and my dog, whom they don't know) though!

    I always watch out for cars, don't usually have any issue with them though.
    Always watch out for strange creepy men (or women, but statistically speaking it will be a man kidnapping women), never hurts to be aware of your surroundings.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    If I ran in my neighborhood, I would have to worry about getting mugged, beaten, I drive myself to local parks.
    There I only have to worry about dumbasses not keeping their dog's leashes short enough that the dog can still charge at me.
    And a random geese. Those guys can be *kitten*! I hear there was a coyote spotted in one location I run at. Haven't seen him yet though.
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    Definitely drivers, some see me but don't give my any room. Our roads have narrow/no shoulder, and I hate running on the slope down to the ditch. I live in a very rural area and see lots of wildlife, but they don't bother me. Most of the dogs on my normal running routes are not fenced, but they all are friendly and usually stay in their yard. One house does keep their dog fenced, but he had gotten out one day when I was running. I was trying to make it to the nearby corner by a certain time, and decided I was going to make my time or the dog was going to bite me. He ran alongside me trying to lick my knees. I made my time and nearly fell over laughing :smile:
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    alpine1994 wrote: »
    When I was living in Dallas, I ran in this park near my house in the morning when it was still dark. It wasn't lit at all so my biggest fear was literally running into something I couldn't see. I was sort of afraid of a personal attack since it wasn't a great neighborhood but I was prepared to fight. :) Thankfully nothing ever happened.

    Now I live in a cute suburb of NJ and I feel safe but THESE HILLS. I swear the hills are the biggest danger to me right now haha.

    I moved to NJ from Iowa last fall, and I had no idea that Jersey was so hilly! Nothing here is just FLAT (except the D&R Canal Trail, bless it's soul).
  • berescga
    berescga Posts: 27 Member
    I run in a safe subdivision of a city. Early morning. My biggest risk is drivers, so I look for the most reflective and brightly colored running gear I can. After that is ice in the winter. Last spring I changed my route when another walker let me know a coyote with 2 pups had stalked his dog. I also worry a little bit about off leash dogs. Human predators are pretty low on my list.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Threats I've dealt with:
    • snakes at sundown
    • other people's aggressive dogs or overly friendly dogs not on a leash
    • my dog (he'll go for any dog that gets literally nose to nose, otherwise he ignores them; he occasionally launches after a squirrel/cat/etc and yanks me off of my feet)
    • bicyclists trying to pass and not calling out - usually not a problem, but sometimes the bike is quiet enough I can't hear them if they're coasting
    • people who don't know basic trail etiquette (like above)
    • me forgetting to allow for people who don't know basic trail etiquette
    • me being too tired to do the smart thing rather than the easy thing
    • cars

    Existing threats I've not dealt with:
    • attacks by other people - happens on this trail infrequently and usually in other portions than the ones I run
    • attacks by animals that are not dogs or snakes
    • getting stranded from injury or sickness
    • extreme weather - I avoid running outside when severe lightning, wind, hail is likely because when we get a really bad storm, it moves fast and is often deadly
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    My dog is probably my biggest threat while running. Whether we're running in the park, on the road (rare), or on the trails he is always trying to jerk me in every which direction and tripping me with his leash. He's only a year old though, so he's still learning proper leash 'etiquette' while running with mommy.

    Yep, tripping over the dog is my biggest threat. He can't match pace and her can't run in a straight line. I'm glad I'm in the UK where we don't have to worry about lions and tigers and bears.
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    When not in the deer park, the biggest threat is heckling groups of teens who are just bark and no bite, and/or being frightened to death by idiotic drivers beeping their horns at you.

    Which reminds me - slightly off topic but like 20 years after the film came out, are people EVER going to stop shouting 'run forest run' at runners?

    When I ran in my old neighborhood the only time I could go was evening and I wore a grey hoody so the gang of teens playing basketball would yell, "Rocky". It was funny the first few times but it did get old.
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    I am very glad there are no magpies here, it seems as though many have to deal with that. And the number of loose dog replies is crazy! I have told owners at times when they are visible, that a leash is cheaper than a vet bill. The responses aren't always that pretty.

    As for the ice replies, the worse sprained ankle I ever had was because of a deceiving layer of snow on ice. It was a couple of months before I was running again.

    Thank you for the replies fellow runners! You are all awesome :) Please stay safe and keep having fun on the run!