Runners what are your biggest threats when running outside?



  • kikichewie
    kikichewie Posts: 276 Member
    I was bit by a large dog on a run, and it's made me much more nervous about strange dogs out in public. He was on a leash on a heavily trafficked trail for runners and walkers. They were standing next to the sea wall, and it just decided to lunge at me when I went by. Luckily his teeth scraped off my sweaty leg and just barely broke the skin, but I had the most massive and deep bruise I've ever had. A muscle bruise I think it's called. Freaking scary. I don't think it was even a real attack, but a weird snap for some reason. He could have ripped my quad off if he'd really tried.
  • Absolute_Hot_Mess
    As a city slicker there are plenty of things to fear. Animals top the list. Human predators are known to be a risk too. I fear mindless drivers. Those who text behind the wheel are known to hit pedestrians and yes sometimes runners.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Other runners. The twitchy ones packing knives, guns, and bear spray for a 2 mile jog through the city.

    But mostly its been distracted drivers and well-hidden rocks that have interrupted my runs.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,539 Member
    Random holes in the sidewalk I might not see at night, people offended by me working out publically ( kind of not done for women here) and temperatures. It can get up to 50C in sommer in the shade. Hence I'm running after sunset. And car drivers that do things so crazy that I still shake my head in disbelieve.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    In town, drivers. But that applies as a cyclist as well as a runner.

    On trails, generally the biggest concern is the risk of turning my ankle.

    Other people aren't a significant risk, given situational awareness and personal presence.
  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    Wow! Some of those are super scary! Mine are being laughed at by teenagers (usually scoffing chips etc.) or slipping over in the mud - not mu have real danger!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Tripping and/or turning an ankle on non level surfaces. I don’t want to end up with a broken ankle miles from home.
  • RunningMs
    RunningMs Posts: 52 Member
    I lived in Australia for a few years, during that time Branch Snakes were an issue ( tree braches that suspiciously like snakes from a distance). My wild imagination is usually the biggest threat.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    troytroy11 wrote: »
    I live in the city and jog along a busy park trail so it's not so bad. Though I'm terrified of bears. Already got bit once, that's enough for me. Thankfully they don't come into the city too often.
    The city deer are also jerks. Moose don't come around too often either.

    You were bit by a bear?

    This. What the actual heck? Not to derail this thread, but it's story time, boss.

    I mostly worry about distracted drivers. My town is pretty good- used to cyclists and runners swarming, but it can still get dicey sometimes- people rolling into crosswalks, turning right on red without looking, etc.

    Also, geese. Those suckers are mean and bitey.
  • Building_Bulk
    Building_Bulk Posts: 20,596 Member
    I run on a trail so vehicles thankfully are not a concern but loose dogs or we have had wolves in the area probably tracking the deer in our area as I live on the outskirts of town.
  • bloodewine
    bloodewine Posts: 29 Member
    I run in a city so I don't have to worry about wildlife much, but there aren't many sidewalks in my area so I'm forced to run in the street. My biggest issue is drivers who aren't paying attention. I run with my dog (both of us have reflectors and blinking lights when we run at night) and I usually have to stop and pull us to the side when cars come by because I don't trust them not to hit us. Especially when it has been snowing and the roads are slick. I almost called the cops once when we repeatedly encountered a car intentionally sliding around corners in the snow :(
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    Golf carts
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    clnrush wrote: »
    Do you run with traffic our against it?
    I never know what to do.... I usually do against it just b.c I like to see what is coming and there really is not a lot of traffic so they can drive in the other lane. (country roads)

    ride with, walk/run against
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    i had a homeless man offer me money for sex once. He said he'd just pay to get near my calves. It made my next mile go alot faster.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    troytroy11 wrote: »
    lmr0528 wrote: »
    troytroy11 wrote: »
    When I lived in Santa Fe I had the threat of all kinds of loose dogs (pit bulls, rotts, etc)

    A specific breed of dog is not a threat just based on that! A dog is not automatically vicious, some are trained that way! Please do not judge a dog based on its breed.

    You are absolutely right about the judging of breeds, I did not mean to come across as stereotyping. I really should have thought that through more before posting. I have had chows and boxers myself for protection reasons. My point was that a breed with certain areas being more developed is likely to be a harder breed to defend oneself against, especially in packs. That is not to say that smaller dogs cannot cause damage and they will and have.
    So future posters/readers please view as any breed of dog not just pits or rotts, and I would imagine the particular defense changes with breed to have the least harm possible on both ends.
    IMR0528 I hope that did not cause your blood pressure to go up too much or stress and anger in your life. Thank you for your response.

    i'm liable to bite the next owner of a loose (out of control) dog myself. and his/her last words will be "don't worry he's friendly!".
    my GSD may not be friendly, but he is always under control. on leash or off.

    as for threats when running, coyotes and raccoons - there's something seriously wrong if they approach you even when you are out with an 80lb dog. some *very smart person* must be feeding them, else they are sick. either way, bad news.
  • newmom_2012
    newmom_2012 Posts: 96 Member
    Cars. I live out in the country with narrow roads and no sidewalks.
  • charlotteX92X
    charlotteX92X Posts: 344 Member
    Biggest threats are probably tiger snakes and magpies. The snakes live in a creek I have to cross several times each run and most Aussies will confirm the danger of magpie attacks at a certain time of the year, it's never fun being chased by angry birds.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Having money in my pocket when I run by Coldstone Creamery.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • aksteve777
    aksteve777 Posts: 184 Member
    Moose and bears on my road. When in town distracted drivers, I was hit once but jumped back so not badly.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I live in New Jersey- so- the drivers.