We're all in this together

Hello there,
After my son's first birthday, it took me a year to lose nearly 100lbs. I was in the gym nearly 10 hours a week and ate more cottage cheese than humanly possible.
Then, a lot of things changed, my relationship with my son's dad went south, then souther, then I began my journey as a single mom. At a time when time was short, and money was even shorter, I let myself go...
Over the last eight months I have packed on 27lbs. I don't feel good about myself, I don't want to play with my son, I just want to lay on the couch and peruse Netflix.
I lit a fire under my own *kitten* the beginning of this month. I went to an MD that specializes in weight loss. Her suggestion for me was to track my calories and keep them under 1450 per day and to increase my calorie output. There's that basic more calories out than in thing again. Then, I hired a personal trainer to work with two times per week. During our sessions, we do full body weights and nearly every day of the week I do at least a half an hour of cardio on this machine called an ARC trainer. I started using MFP to track my calories and BOY WAS I SURPRISED!! I don't intake near enough protein and I am very good at finding things just packed full of sodium!! LOL
So, all this started about a month ago, but over the last week I have really put my nose to the grindstone. I found myself running on that beast of a machine every day last week, I killed it lifting weights, and I made that beast called protein my *kitten*.
Last week I lost 7 pounds. And it didn't feel like a ton of work!
I am enjoying this journey we are all in together, I'm sure that it will change as this goes on, and the maintenance phase will prove to be another challenge of it's own.
My goal weight this time around is a healthy 145lbs. I don't know if I'll ever get there, but maybe not getting there will keep me trying. : )

We're all in this together
