Reminder/warning for outdoor workouts



  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    So far this spring, i've had a ground hog and a rabbit try to take me out while i was cycling. They were unsuccesful, but a small rodent through the spokes would equal an epic face plant! Last year, deer ran in front of the wife and i three times. But seeing all the wilflife makes riding that much more enjoyable. So far this year, i've seen a ground hog, rabbits, indigo buntings, turkey, and a fox,
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    I have to be very wary of ninjas. smiley-violent067.gifThose sneaky little Fers just pop out of the bushes and try to slice me up. It's a good thing I'm also a certified ninja (Brian Wilson School of Awesomeness), so I can usually fend 'em off. I once had to fight twenty of them, it was a horrific battle. Ultimately, I was killed though.


  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    I have to be very wary of ninjas. smiley-violent067.gifThose sneaky little Fers just pop out of the bushes and try to slice me up. It's a good thing I'm also a certified ninja (Brian Wilson School of Awesomeness), so I can usually fend 'em off. I once had to fight twenty of them, it was a horrific battle. Ultimately, I was killed though.

    holy effing ell is it ninja season already? I'll make sure to carry my ninja spray, the worst is when ninja and pirate season cross over, those buggers are everywhere.
  • tigerrohr1969
    this year on my bike rides along the I & M canal, I have seen several deer, a beautiful buck gave me a warning grunt....I moved a little faster after that and didn't look back, some turtles sunning on the pea gravel, ticks. Just wanted all to know that if you do find a tick on yourself or on your furry pets, SMOTHER (1 glob ) them in vaseline....they will back out from where they are burrowing automatically, as they can't breath, and shortly really don't want to do the tweezer and match thingy, always stay hydrated! :smile:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I live in the desert so we have all kinds of nasties out there including rattlesnakes, bobcats, coyotes and javelina. So far, I haven't seen any on my runs, mostly because I'm sticking to the sidewalks in my neighborhood. The thing I have most to worry about is heatstroke when the temps start hitting triple digits in a week or so. I may need to join a gym with treadmills or I'll be running at 4am when it's only 80°....
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Thank god I dont live where there is snakes! I do have to worry about cars because I live in a small town and they are not very considerate at times. :tongue:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I think the biggest threat listed here is ticks. I've seen several snakes this spring and almost all of them ran in the other direction upon sensing my presence. I've been camping and doing out door stuff all my life. The most agressive animal I've ever ran across is my house cat.

    Ticks are hard to detect and you usually don't find them till they've already bit you. And they even live in the CITY.

    Sun screen is also a no brainer.
  • Lauralovesmfp
    Lauralovesmfp Posts: 270 Member
    I live in the Yukon so my biggest fear is running into black bears or grizzlies. I have run into one grizzly in the past and just about peed my pants. Thank goodness he wasn't interested. They are coming down from the mountains right now and are most likely very hungry plus they have their babies with them. YIKES:frown: