Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack- Opinions on it?

I finished Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred on Saturday and loved it, so I went out and bought her 6 Week 6 Pack DVD which I am hoping to start today. Has anyone done this? What did you think of it? On the back of the cover it says to do Level 1 for 3 weeks then move on to Level 2 for 3 weeks. Should this be done on a daily basis like the shred or would it be alright to do it 3-4 times a week instead while jogging/running the remaining days of the week.


  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    bump, I'm starting this on the 23rd once I finish the shred so will be interested to see the answers!
  • jacque1109
    jacque1109 Posts: 129
    Ummmm.... I'm not as big of fan... it's pretty long for me (35 min)... and it's 2 rounds, I don't like doing the same thing...That's just me though.
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    I love all of Jillian Michaels' products! I own her Six Week Six Pack, 30DS, Yoga Meltdown, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, and No More Trouble Zones. If anyone has any questions about any of her products, feel free to message me!

    Six Week Six Pack is an amazing dvd! It incorporates both cardio and core exercises for an amazing 35 minute work out. She goes through the entire circuit once (takes about 20 minutes) and then repeats it faster for a second time through (about 15 minutes). I think it is intended to be done every day for 6 weeks (3 weeks on level one and then 3 weeks on level two). However, we all know how effective cardio is and I think that it could still work well if only done 3-4 days a week for a cardio work out on the other days. Personally, I don't do it every day. I do a combination of her dvds all week long, not really sticking to one program every day.

    Jillian is excellent at getting results! Using her dvds, I lost 20 lbs in 30 days and I have continued to lose weight and tone since!
    Good luck everyone!

  • coultesr
    coultesr Posts: 51 Member
    I just finished it last week. It was definitely a good/hard workout. I didn't take measurements or pictures, but it definitely tightened up my core. I did lose 10 pounds going from 168 to 158 in the 6 weeks. I also ran occasionally on the treadmill afterward. She says to do the DVD at least 5 days. I tried to stay close to 5 days but one or two weeks I only completed 4 days with the DVD.

    Level 2 is definitely a lot more challenging! You will have fun with it! It was hard to get motivated to do Level 2 during the last few weeks.