I'm Back

i started using mfp a few years ago and once I met my weight goal, I became more lax about tracking things. Then I dropped off all together. I decided last night to get back to watching what I eat, tracking it and increasing my exercise levels to what they were when I was losing weight. Hope I can stick with it.


  • Essenaich
    Essenaich Posts: 10
    edited March 2015
    Welcome back, you will find all the support you need here to reach what you want! I hope everything works out for you! :smile:
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Welcome back! But I'm gonna crack the whip here and give you a bit of grief for saying "Hope I can stick with it." You did it before, you can do it again. Just this time, remember you gotta do maintenance or you'll join the ranks of yo-yo dieters.
  • scottfagan
    scottfagan Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm on my way to the gym right now.
  • welcome back and you can stick with it :)
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Welcome back! You are not the only one that has stopped once they hit their goal, it has happened to a lot of us! Stick with it!!! :smiley:
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I like your can-do attitude. That's what I'm talking about ;)