I'm baffled...

I worked hard all last week on my diet and exercise plan to see very little results, from last Monday to Saturday morning, I lost maybe half a pound for the week. Then I had a very bad weekend. I didn't have time to track because I was running my children all over town to different meeting, birthday parties, etc., mowing the lawn, and then shopping with my wife/kids on Sunday.

I'm pretty sure I went over my calories on both days, and today, Monday morning, I've lost 1 pound since Saturday morning which is 50% more than the whole week. It's kind of frustrating, because when I feel I'm being good the weight comes off slowly and then here I have a couple bad days and I lose weight. It's not always like that, usually I gain when I have bad day. I don't know what to think.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Step away from the scale. Try weight in once every 2 weeks on the same day at the same time, wearing the same thing.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    Maybe it was all the running around you were doing burned more cals than you thought? I know when I have a really busy weekend and there's a lot of grabbing food out, I expect terrible results during the next weigh in, but always seem to do okay.

    As far as when you're being good, are you sure you're consuming enough calories? I was talking to a trainer at my gym and told her that I've been really trying to net closer to 1200 cals and she said that for my build that is no where near enough.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Step away from the scale. Try weight in once every 2 weeks on the same day at the same time, wearing the same thing.

    Hard to do, but way more productive.
    I would weigh-in once a week (wouldn't make it to the 2-week mark).

    Unfortunately, our body doesn't always give us the instant gratification that we crave.
    Be diligent and keep at it.
    You'll see results.
  • kimphillips36
    kimphillips36 Posts: 125
    Sometimes eating more calories shocks your metabolism and helps you burn more...if you're not eating enough, your body goes into 'starvation' mode and it will store the fat and not burn it. I had my "free" day yesterday where I had no idea how many calories I ate....I feel that I still made good choices overall and watched my portions....but I needed that too, kind of like a treat for myself. Definitely back on track for today and will be working out tonight...I want to see at least a one pound drop by the end of the week...here's hoping!! ☺
  • bybybelly
    bybybelly Posts: 56
    It is hard to understand...this weight loss thing. But if you lost a pound....embrace it. That running around must have burned some uncounted for calories. We are all too hard on ourselves. Just shows you that going over on your calories is not the end of the world!!
  • izide822
    izide822 Posts: 6
    Keep your chin up :) everything will be ok... I have similar situation at the moment, because I stop going to gym (hope for a short time) I feel that I cant stop eating again... sometimes I feel that I am short of breath, even like 2 weeks ago I was ok. and my belly is bigger again :( thats actually is making me very sad, but I just cant stop doing bad things... I really want be slim because all my life I had weight problem...
    I wish to you and myself to keep doing what we did before and don't let tasty food go in our way :D:))))