Will my chest look normal after I lose weight? I'm concerned

I'm a male and really concerned about how my chest will look after I lose more weight. I'm almost down to 250 pounds and don't believe I have gynecomastia, but my nipples seem too low. They're about half-way between my armpit and elbow.

Does anyone have experiences with this? Will it look normal once I lose more weight and start toning up? Do you have any recommendations? Workout recommendations, etc...?

Any help and replies would be much appreciated!


  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I am sure there are workouts out there that target these areas. Like oush-ups and chest flys...Not too sure. Good luck with your lifestyle change!
  • P90XCertifiedCoach
    Thats a good question, that I am interested in too, I dont want man boobs, Ive got em now and I want em gone.
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    I was kind of in the same boat as you are. I still have a small amount of fat left in my chest that I can't seem to get rid of, but it does go away, just takes time. A lot of it is going to have to do with how your skin elasticity is too. If you are working out you will eventually build the chest back up but with muscle this time. It's really hard to determine how the body will change once you start losing weight. Everyone holds fat in different places. The important thing to keep in mind is that there isn't a way to spot reduce fat, you are just going to have to keep losing and the body will let go of fat stores as it needs to. if you do a bunch of chest workouts its just going to get you frustrated if you think that is going to magically make them tighten up. Just keep at it and it will better.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Bump. No pun intended.
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    one piece of advice about chest workouts though, don't do them any more frequently than you do any other part of the body. It make your body shape look out of proportion if you work chest 3 to 4 times a week and do everything else only once or twice. It will actually make your chest look bigger and that's not your goal.
  • MDCT
    MDCT Posts: 28
    I'm mainly concerned about the low nipples... I want my chest to look normal! I'm guessing any upper body workouts are going to help with this?
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    that gets back to how the skin looks. If it is kind of sagging already its going to be more difficult, not impossible. But if it just looks fatty then they should shape up fine. My chest was pretty bad man boobs and after about 8 mos of working out they are starting to really firm up and getting definition. your best friend, espically in the beginning is going to be cardio and light weights. Don't try for any heavy weights or maxes right off. Take a couple of months and really focus your form and shaping the muscles in the chest. This will give your body something to mold to. As far as cardio do some running, walking, biking, or whatever else you do that gives you a good burn. You have to find what is enjoyable to you or it makes it seem like work. CARDIO IS KEY!!!!
  • P90XCertifiedCoach
    I learned some stuff from this thread already thanks guys.
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    That's what this place is all about....
  • MDCT
    MDCT Posts: 28
    That's what this place is all about....

    Thank you for your replies, I really appreciate it.

    If you don't mind me asking, how much do you weight in the third photo in your profile in the grey shirt?
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    Thats was when I was at my heaviest. I was about 255- 260 there. I kind of swing between 188- 192 now depending on how my diet is for a day or two. I look completly different from those pics. I haven't put any new pics up in almost two years.
  • MDCT
    MDCT Posts: 28
    Thats was when I was at my heaviest. I was about 255- 260 there. I kind of swing between 188- 192 now depending on how my diet is for a day or two. I look completly different from those pics. I haven't put any new pics up in almost two years.

    The reason I asked is because that picture resembles me right now. The heaviest I've weighed was about 320 pounds and that was over 3 years ago... I've slowly dropped weight over the last few years to the point I'm at right now (about 250-255). I feel great and all but little things like this bug me.

    One of my biggest concerns was loose skin, but I don't think that's going to be an issue. Now I'm nit-picking things like this in this thread. I guess I'll just have to wait and see... What's the worst that can happen? I'll look good in nothin but a t-shirt? :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You need to lift HEAVY! You might not lose as fast but you won't have saggy skin this way!

    I know a guy who lost 25 pounds really quickly and needless to say, he's got the moobs. And once you have them, I think it is harder to turn back the time...so be proactive and get yourself a nice strength training workout.
  • MDCT
    MDCT Posts: 28
    You need to lift HEAVY! You might not lose as fast but you won't have saggy skin this way!

    I know a guy who lost 25 pounds really quickly and needless to say, he's got the moobs. And once you have them, I think it is harder to turn back the time...so be proactive and get yourself a nice strength training workout.

    Is it possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Don't you have to have a calorie surplus to gain muscle? I was thinking about soley focusing on weight training while eating as I clean as I can once I hit 230 pounds to tone up...
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    I can only tell you what worked for me. and I don't reccomend a heavy weight program until you are close to the weight you want to be at. My reason behind that is that if you have a higher body fat percentage and you won't be able to see the muscle as much. If you are where you want to be weight wise then I say go for a heavy program. Just know with a higer body fat you won't get definition but mostly size.
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    As a answer to your other question. It is not possible to effectively lose body fat and make big gains in muscle at the same time. The rule in body building is you can only do one at a time. I find that it works better for me to go on cycles. I will take a month where I scale back cardio and go big on weights, then take a week where I use lighter weights and do long intense cardio sessions. I'm below my weight where I wanted to be and now I'm trying to get cut up and add mass. It's all about what stage you are in for your transformation.
  • MDCT
    MDCT Posts: 28
    As a answer to your other question. It is not possible to effectively lose body fat and make big gains in muscle at the same time. The rule in body building is you can only do one at a time. I find that it works better for me to go on cycles. I will take a month where I scale back cardio and go big on weights, then take a week where I use lighter weights and do long intense cardio sessions. I'm below my weight where I wanted to be and now I'm trying to get cut up and add mass. It's all about what stage you are in for your transformation.

    When I hit the 230 pound mark I was considering:

    1. Weight training while eating clean and lean until I gain 10 pounds
    2. Then focusing on cardio and having a calorie deficit while I continue weight training to maintain muscle until I lose 10 pounds
    3. #1
    4. #2
    etc... etc...

    Would my plan theoretically work?
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    It very well could work. It's all about how your body responds to the change. There is no way that me or anyone else can can tell you how your body will respond to different trainning methods. To me, that seems to be a lot of yo-yoing in weight. Your plan requires you to gain 10, lose 10, gain 10, lose 10. If you really love lifting, like I do, then you do set aside one week a month wehre you lifted heavy and let the other three weeks be cardio based. I would think it would be easier to eat clean and drop the fat first ( still doing weight trainning because that will help burn calories faster and maintianing muscle) but letting the focus be cardio until the Body fat comes down. My program for the first 4 or 5 months was I ran about 15-20 miles a week and biked some and only lifted for about 30 mins a session. You can get a really good weight train in in 30 mins. Once the weight comes off start killing the heavy weights and just doing 20 -30 mins of cardio.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member