New day....

Hello All,

Well yesterday was the day I made a commitment to get this eating under control. Yess, I've been doing a little here and there...but nothing of this magnitutde where I have to go in and journal, to be accountable of why I'm overweight!! I joined 24 months ago and didn't get very is a new day. Actually, I took the time last night to enter my dinner info....I was suprised to find out that this low calorie fruit bar ice cream I love...was loaded in sodium, actually equal my sodium for the whole day!!! Well out it went this morning, who knew my low fat ice cream was a sodium time bomb!!


  • Rsm220
    Rsm220 Posts: 5
    then this site will end up shocking you ALOT !!! processed foods are salt mines !! lol . im amazed daily at the amount of calories of some simple items like a plain bagel!!! but its helped me tremendously, good luck
  • Gracias Sir...yes it was quite a surpise, since it was low fat and low calories. I'm trying to get a dear friend to get on board...she says she's joining...hopefully she'll come along for the ride, she has nothing to lose but weight.........