Body Beast as a female? Any progress photos?

I guess since this is a Beachbody-related post, I should start by saying that I'm NOT a coach nor do I wish to be contacted by any coaches...

I'm starting Body Beast on Monday and was wondering if there are any other women out there doing it or about to start doing it that want to add me? Alternatively, has anyone got any progress photos for inspiration that they could share?

I definitely need some sort of accountability because over the last year or so, I've fallen out of the habit of working out due to some major life changes (redundancy, new job, moved about 5 times in the last year and one move was international and the other was about 1800 miles, etc) and I'm having trouble getting back into the swing of things and making it a habit. I started Insanity about 5 weeks ago and got to the middle of week 3 before stopping for the past 2 weeks (mixture of tiredness from chaos in the office and also an 84-hour week work trip that I just got back from). I don't want to go back to Insanity because it bores me so that's why I want to switch programmes back to resistance work, which I really love. As much as I like how fit Insanity makes me, I can't get past the fact that it's effectively 45-60 minutes of jumping.

I have a half-marathon in June so I'll be doing some Focus T25 for cardio (maybe 3 times a week) until I can run outside (too cold and icy right now) but Body Beast is my main focus so that I can lose the 25lb of fat I gained and get my muscles back.

Is anyone else out there doing it and needs someone to talk to and share progress with???


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I started BB in the fall but had to stop due to tendonitis in my wrist but I have big plans to pick it back up after I finish Max 30 at the end of April!

    I can, however, give you a TON of female Body Beast transformation stories if you're looking for motivation and I'd love to help keep you accountable - I LOVE the program!

    Feel free to friend me and we'll chat! :D
  • Miss_Mae3
    Miss_Mae3 Posts: 27 Member
    I am currently on my last week of phase one of Body Beast (lean). I am enjoying the program so far. Although I have not really lost any weight I can definitely see my body changing. I am excited to take pictures and measurements and see my progress this weekend. I too will be running a half-marathon but mine is on May 2nd. Feel free to add me if you are looking for more friends to keep you motivated.
  • LRA11
    LRA11 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Cat! I am also on week 1 so I don't have any pictures to share but I am interested in hearing success stories. How are you doing with the food?
  • JuliaKelly2015
    I am doing Insanity Max 30. On Week 3 now. Just had my 3rd Friday fight. It's awesome. I am addicted to insanity workout. Been doing insanity for a year. Cross exercise with running, rock climbing, gym, mountain walking, scrambling. My aim now training to get fit for my trip in June to climb Mont Blanc !
  • MeganMcBane
    MeganMcBane Posts: 54 Member
    I'm starting Beast on Monday! How's it going for everyone!?
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I've just ordered the Body Beast workouts. I've been doing ChaLean Extreme and P90x for a long time, so been looking out for something new to try. Can't wait to get started!
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Ladies! I've restarted BB this week and would love to have new friends to share this journey! However, if you are a Beachbody coach, I have absolutely no interest in becoming a coach, just simply love the programs! Feel free to friend me!

  • Philp0718
    Philp0718 Posts: 136 Member
    I've been debating on starting Body Beast. It seems that you need a variety of equipment tho, can you tell me what is required?