New month, new goals!

Happy April!
In the spirit of a brand new month (and my birthday being in exactly 30 days) it's time to set new and improved goals!

My weight loss goals for this month are to exercise for at least 30 minutes and eat a salad for one meal every day.

My mental health goal is to try not to stress over the little things. Relax, spend some time alone, do some calming yoga. Things are so much easier when I am calm.

What are your April goals?


  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I'm not drinking this month!
    Phew! I said it (typed it) out loud! Now I've got to do it!!
    I have been on MFP for about 5 weeks now and for the first 4 weeks I had a 'treat' night on a Friday which involved a bottle of wine, a take away meal and then a drunken binge totally 1000 calories a go. Last week I didn't drink on Friday night and it felt great!! I feel totally in control. It's not like I'm never going to drink again but I want to break that cycle.
  • tbee83
    tbee83 Posts: 9
    I want to lose one pant size (@10 pounds) this month! And stop the cycle of eating like crap on the weekends. I work hard all week and Friday night I indulge in and make bad choices all weekend. I am always disappointed with myself on Monday morning weigh in, thinking "was it really worth it? Not even a little."
    Of course I commit to break my bad habit cycle on Easter weekend (ugh!) (heavy sigh)
  • jcook0716
    jcook0716 Posts: 65 Member
    This is the 1st day of my 2nd month on my health journey so its a new month for sure for me too! My goal this month is to get to 175 before the end of the month. I started 3/1 @ 199 and CW is 186. 11lbs in one month sounds a bit aggressive but i figure since i did 13 last month i can do 11 this month lol. My other goal is to be better about the gym (Go at least 5 days a week and really work my hardest while im there). WOOT go us! lol.
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    happy bday this month.
    my april goal is to be under 155 by may 1st
  • AvearyRose
    AvearyRose Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not drinking this month!
    Phew! I said it (typed it) out loud! Now I've got to do it!!
    I have been on MFP for about 5 weeks now and for the first 4 weeks I had a 'treat' night on a Friday which involved a bottle of wine, a take away meal and then a drunken binge totally 1000 calories a go. Last week I didn't drink on Friday night and it felt great!! I feel totally in control. It's not like I'm never going to drink again but I want to break that cycle.

    I've realized quite recently that wine has many more calories than I thought. Same thing happens to me all the time! Definitely going to limit my wine intake this month too :)
  • AvearyRose
    AvearyRose Posts: 11 Member
    tbee83 wrote: »
    I want to lose one pant size (@10 pounds) this month! And stop the cycle of eating like crap on the weekends. I work hard all week and Friday night I indulge in and make bad choices all weekend. I am always disappointed with myself on Monday morning weigh in, thinking "was it really worth it? Not even a little."
    Of course I commit to break my bad habit cycle on Easter weekend (ugh!) (heavy sigh)

    Weekends are always the hardest for me too. It's mostly the lack of routine those days that get to me. We have to try our hardest to keep on track! And I think everyone on MFP has the same problem with holidays. It's okay to cheat a little ;) Try to fill up on the delicious veggie side dishes before going in on the heavy stuff! (That's my plan at least..let's see if it actually works)
  • AvearyRose
    AvearyRose Posts: 11 Member
    jcook0716 wrote: »
    This is the 1st day of my 2nd month on my health journey so its a new month for sure for me too! My goal this month is to get to 175 before the end of the month. I started 3/1 @ 199 and CW is 186. 11lbs in one month sounds a bit aggressive but i figure since i did 13 last month i can do 11 this month lol. My other goal is to be better about the gym (Go at least 5 days a week and really work my hardest while im there). WOOT go us! lol.

    happy one month anniversary!! Keep up the good work :smiley: definitely inspiring
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I'm hoping to do a bit better with going to bed on time, so that my morning work-out actually happens in the morning, instead of after work. >_<
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    My goals are to lose 5-6 lbs which would put into healthy weight for my height and 35 lbs from my goal. Also eating more veggies everyday. My last one will be my hardest because I am so lazy is to work out at least 3-4 days a week doing fitness blender workouts or videos I find on youtube.