I'm back and I need to make it this time!

Hi everyone!!! I'm happy and sad to be back. Happy because I know I have somewhere to go for support. Sad because I didn't succeed in my weight loss journey. I know what was wrong this time. My brain. I got scared. I had lost about 50lbs and my brain and my self confidence couldn't handle it. I kept wearing my fat clothes. The funny thing is, because I'm so tall and solid a 60lb fluctuation and my clothes only change by 2 sizes. So I can still wear 2 of the 3 different sizes. I have to figure out how to deal this time and NOT freak out. I stepped back on the scale today for the first time in a year and I gained every last pound back plus 17. I am now bigger than ever. I want to live and be healthy. I have to find the courage to do so. I have started seeing a therap. and was diagnosed with ADHD at 37! I'm hoping that with a little more help I can get through this this time. Wish me luck!!!!


  • dterpsy
    dterpsy Posts: 27 Member
    You can do it! Good for you for recognizing that you need help in achieving your goals and being willing to ask for that help. That alone is huge! If you lost the weight once you can do it again. Believe in yourself!
  • FaileAybara
    FaileAybara Posts: 21 Member
    I'm with you, I just came back as well and I'm feeling very discouraged about myself. We can do this.
  • NotQuiteNorm
    NotQuiteNorm Posts: 283 Member
    Welcome back! You can do it again, and this time you should promise yourself a sexy new outfit when you reach your goal!!!
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    you've taken the first step and that's huge!! welcome back and good luck on your journey
  • Nuka_Gina
    Nuka_Gina Posts: 92 Member
    Good luck! You can do it! That must have been so stressful being diagnosed but at least you know now and can work with it. I've been heavy most of my life, too. I'm trying to lose 105 pounds (and only 4 pounds in, lol). Feel free to add me!
  • camaroguy1172
    camaroguy1172 Posts: 2 Member
    U can do it!! U did a amazing job losing 50 so this time let's double it and make it 100!! U will feel awesome knowing U did this twice and came out better then ever!! Dedication and persistence!! I'm finding as I eat better I eat less and barely can eat enough calories!! Plus my body makes me pay for bad foods!! Kp at it and we're pulling for u!! Add me if u wld like!