Anyone else get stuck on "food jags" where they only want to eat one thing?

Right now i'm on this greek yogurt food jag. it's ALL i want. i still stay within my calories and carbs/proteins (low on fats). I add greens powder to it. i'm sure it's not the healthiest but i was wondering if anyone else ever does this? i'll go on benders like this for a month or so and then need to swap to something else. just wondering if it's just me or everyone?


  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Nope I do the same exact thing I get hooked on a certain food or meal and I'll eat that until I get sick of it or move onto something else!
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    The same thing happens to me! I thought it was just a quirk. It's nice to know it happens to other people too :P I don't get bored of food easily, either, so usually it takes a disruption (someone making dinner and forcing me to eat something different, for example) to break it.
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    oh good! glad it's not just me! i know it's probably not the healthiest but i have literally been eating greek yogurt for breakfast lunch and dinner for like 3 weeks now. it's really out of control :blush:
  • hsmith0930
    hsmith0930 Posts: 160 Member
    OH yeah! I do it all the time! I went CRAZY for avocados a while ago. Definitely ate WAYYY too many calories, but I craved them so much. Then one day I went to make lunch and was like "hmm I don't really WANT avocado anymore" LOL.
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    yea, unfortunately, it's usually pizza :/
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    oh if pizza fit in my calories i would eat it all day every day. that and cookies.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    <- goes to google 'food jags'
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    I'm sort of a lazy shopper and cook. So, a lot of my food in a week is all repeats. Then, I wake up one day and just could not eat that meal again if I was starving and it gets retired from the rotation and I find something else.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Oh yes. I'm currently on one where all I want are those vegetarian pizzas. They're loaded in carbs and sodium but they fit my calories so that's what I've been eating every Friday for lunch for like a month. I'm sure I'll get sick of them eventually, lol, but not yet.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Right now I'm on a cereal with cashew milk- it's just so creamy I crave cashew milk!
  • beachlandia
    beachlandia Posts: 45 Member
    A lot of days all I want are nonfat frozen yogurt (or sometimes not frozen) and apples because those are my favorite foods now and since they are pretty low in calories I feel like I can eat a lot of them. Obviously I do make myself eat other things too though and I try to not eat more than a couple servings of each per day.
  • shezza4mobee
    shezza4mobee Posts: 250 Member
    every week for years lol
    I hardly get out of my norm, have a set list of meals I cook and that's that. I'm not very adventurous. If something's good, I'll buy it in bulk and eat it till it's gone or something about it put me off (bad taste, etc.)
    It makes logging fairly easy as I just click back in what I've had the previous day(s)
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    All the time, usually when I've had something that I like for the first time. Best case scenario: I learn to make it at home and eat it every day for two weeks until I get tired of it. Worst case scenario: I am stuck living in Arizona 2 hours away from the nearest Thai restaurant cursing the gods.
  • fghtffyrDEMONS
    fghtffyrDEMONS Posts: 32 Member
    Yes! There was a period of about two months where I only wanted to eat Indian food! ^_^ A lot of the time I'm stuck on eating Tex-Mex and Mexican dishes...I just love salsa...and beans...and guacamole.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    Its an actual scientific/medical thing... it's, in a very condensed nutshell, cravings based on what your body needs. So if you are craving say Oranges... then maybe you are low on Vitamin C and that is your body's way of getting it. Although I'm not sure what my Chipotle cravings or sushi cravings are for but I go with it and assume my body has its reasons!!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I do this a lot, live on one thing for a few weeks then switch. Last month it was turkey and black bean chili, I had it for lunch every day and dinner a few nights a week too. Right now it's cottage cheese on corn thins with hot sauce. Every morning for breakfast and often as an afternoon snack again.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I'm all about Oatmeal right now. :* Was all about eggs for a bit. ;)
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    all of a sudden i'm craving anything with marinara sauce - pizza, pasta, chicken parm... mmmmm
  • jonrenly
    jonrenly Posts: 116 Member
    edited April 2015
    I can't get enough peanut butter. If I could sit down and eat an entire jar of peanut butter with a spoon and not be 10lbs heavier the next day, I would.

    I easily go through a jar of PB2 a week, and its only so little because I have consciously put that limit on myself... i literally spoon the stuff into a bowl, mix in some water, and eat it like pudding. I have such a problem D:
  • blakexx3
    blakexx3 Posts: 89 Member
    For about 3 weeks I ate about 2 bags of baby carrots per week. I couldn't get enough carrots. Now I'm back to apples. And for some reason I've been craving salmon and have eaten it just 3 times this week