Anyone 5'4,5'5 and 5'6

Hey everyone I would love to hear your success stories for motivation. I am 5'5 CW:291 GW:145 but right now I'm pushing for 170.


  • kakerman21
    Hi Britt, I'm 5'5" and weighed 206 in November. I currently am 174.2. I log what I eat and have began changing my diet. I count my steps and try to stay active. I have a very busy schedule so working out is pretty hard for me but I've made a lot of little changes like instead of taking the elevator to class, I take the stairs. I park farther away from the door which increases my step count and decreases the risk for door dings! You can add me if you would like for motivation!
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    edited April 2015
    I was 165 when I started here on MFP but I've been as big as 225. I weigh my food, measure my liquids, lift weights, try to hit 8-10k steps a day, and never sacrifice general happiness and sanity to lose weight (but sometimes I feel crazy/obsessed anyway so I take breaks when needed.

    Pictures here.

    165, 150, 145, 140

    I'm 138 right now. Can't decide what to do next.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I'm 5'4". My starting weight in October was 179 lbs. My first goal is 149 lbs. I am 160.5 lbs now.
    When I get to 149, I will probably keep going until I am 125 or so.
  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member
    Hello! I'm Dee, 22 in California. I am 5"6. Went from 222 to 197 since January, and my goal weight is 150!!!
  • ugwux004
    ugwux004 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello, I am 5''4, I used to weigh 150. But then I started weight training class, played soccer and ran track and lost up to 28 pounds in a year without watching my diet. I also Gained 16 pounds or more over last 6 months after going through a break up and college food. I started trying to lose weight again from feb from 140, now am on 133. My goal is 120!!!
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    I'm 5'6" I started last June weighing 313.3 lbs. Now I weigh 205.8 lbs and I'm still going strong!
  • Plussizebritt
    Plussizebritt Posts: 59 Member
    Nice too meet you all!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I'm 5' 3 1/2". Is that close enough? :) I'm at 150 and just want to lose about 20 lbs or so, but I'm also lifting, so I have no idea how many actual pounds I want to lose...I'd like to get down to around 22% bodyfat.
  • Plussizebritt
    Plussizebritt Posts: 59 Member
    Close enough =)
  • Plussizebritt
    Plussizebritt Posts: 59 Member
    Feels good to hear your stories.
  • EliseEvens
    EliseEvens Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'5 started out at 221 I am now 185! and still going. I walk 10k a day and swimm some days. I eat
    1000-1200 cal a day lots of fruit and deli meat. Im going for a gole of 130-120 pounds in the end.
  • BeckyGor05
    BeckyGor05 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 5'5 and started off at 161 at the beginning of January, am now 137. My goal is to get to 126 and then see how I feel then. Have been using MFP to create a calorie deficit and running a few times a week. :) also completed Slim in 6 in February which helped me to lose a lot of the weight!
  • 00figg
    00figg Posts: 111 Member
    hi everyone! i am 5'6. i started in june at 185 and recently hit my goal of 132. i feel comfortable here. in addition to other random activities, i walk 15k or so steps a day and occassionally zumba. i'm 42 and love to eat and hate to exercise...
  • kcrkcs
    kcrkcs Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, 5'5 sw~175 gw 130-135 but more importantly 22-25%bf. Started about a month ago and am excited with how things are going. After watching the scale slowly creep up over the last 10yrs, but living in denial, feels good to do something about it.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my goal weight is 112 lbs. My CW is 113.5 ...I am actually focusing on body recomp and prefer to go by measurements. My weight sounds low but I look heavier as I have broad shoulders and wide rib cage. I have resumed lifting with a mix of cardio.
  • MimGSR
    MimGSR Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 5'5 and started at 185lb post pregnancy, although a lot of the weight was put on before getting pregnant! I struggled to find the motivation to lose weight for almost a year, but I'm now at 169lb and slowly going down :) Current goal is 135, might want to lose more once I get there.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I started at 180. My current weight is 146 and I've been stalled for a few weeks due to a variety of things, one of which is vacation. I am back on it this week and hopefully I will see a slight drop in the scale. I hope to make it down to 125-130 by the summer and that will make a year. After that- maintenance, which is harder than losing!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm 5'4.5"
    HW - 260 lbs
    CW - 147.5 lbs

    My current progress thread can be found here (it has a few pics):
  • ritchiehl
    ritchiehl Posts: 64 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'5" and 27 years old. Started at 176lbs. Currently I'm 165lbs. It's been harder since I had a child 2 years ago but hasn't been impossible. I just make better decisions because I realized I'm worth it. I am currently training for a marathon in december and that is helping to lose the weight. I eat between 1400-1500 cal/day. sometimes less sometimes more (really depends how much running I've done that day). feel free to add me!
  • PiSquared
    PiSquared Posts: 148 Member
    Hi there. I'm 5'6" and currently at 207 lbs. I started somewhere around 250. I have been overweight my entire life. A few years ago I decided to do something about it. My short term goal is to just get below 200. My long term goal is 150 lbs, which would put me in the high end of normal weight, according to BMI. We'll see if that's obtainable. I'm focusing on eating healthy and tasty food, along with getting enough exercise. Just walking seems to be working for me, at least for now. I like to cook and try to do meal planning a week in advance. Feel free to add me.