Anyone 5'4,5'5 and 5'6



  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    I'm 5'6"! Started at 263lbs and down to 199.8. So says my taunting scale. It's been a bumpy ride and I've wanted to quit several times. I would think I may be fat but I'm happy damn it! But, I really wasn't happy. I was so depressed and felt like I was living in a skin suit that I just couldn't take off. Throw in a ED and it's a recipe for disaster. Then I came here, met some great people who picked me up dusted me off. Encouraged me to talk to my therapist and it was the best thing I ever did. Now, I'm learning to love myself, I never loved myself or even liked myself and that was holding me back.

    I want to get to 150lbs and decide from there if I want to drop anymore weight. My eating habits are still all over the place but I'm learning each day. Each day is brand new and I look forward to them now instead of the dread of just another day. :)
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    5'4" Took 2 years to lose about 80 lbs. Over the last 2 years, I've gained a little bit back but still trying (the last 2 years have had a lot of personal strife so while I'm not happy I've gained 5-10 lbs back, it's understandable).
  • Ellasdream
    Ellasdream Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 5'5" and started out at 85kg (187lb) and am currently 74 (163). My goal is to get into healthy weight range so 68 (149). From there I will reassess. I eat around my BMR at 1550 calories and exercise daily with walking and weights at least 2 times a week. Great topic guys! So interesting to read ur answers!
  • jnmrie
    jnmrie Posts: 145 Member
    Hi! 5'5 here. Just started a month ago. SW: 283. CW: 271. Our goals are very similar and we're starting around the same place. Feel free to add me! :smile: