


  • sassycraftyfit
    I'm also a runner! I've run 4 half marathons with my 5th coming up in three weeks, and planning to run a full in October!
  • andrea9873
    andrea9873 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm pretty new to running, I'm still an LSD a (long slow distance) runner...but I love it! I just completed my 7th half marathon since last year when I started. I will also run my first marathon in Nov 2014! I'm looking to work on speed and shed 15 lbs of fat by doing some strength training until marathon training starts in June!
  • martineyes26
    martineyes26 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm hoping we can motivate each other. I too, am starting to run again after a long, brutal winter. (I live in WI). Running on the treadmill just isn't the same as running outside. And to add to it, I dislocated my knee (again!) while playing volleyball so now I have to run with a brace. I worked my way up to running 5 miles last fall after just having started running (for the first time EVER) in January '13. I was running consistently every other day. I have a love/hate relationship with running. I hate the act of doing it but my body feels so great afterwards and responds well to it. Plus, I get to clear my head while doing it. Recently, I decided I wanted to participate in an upcoming half marathon in September. Since then, fear has set in and now I run even less. Can I get my groove back?
    Any runners feel free to add me...can use all the motivation and support I can get :-)
  • BlueAngelChar
    BlueAngelChar Posts: 1,364 Member

    Trying to be a runner but have found that when you are bigger ( I was 121 lbs heavier ) too much stuff that bounces so have gone from utter crap 5k time of 48 mins down to 35 (ish) got two 5k's this year coming up before I attempt anything else I want to get through them.

    I run every day, although on a treadmill but with the weather improving I'm hoping to get outside!

    Happy to add you!

  • NyssaDuck
    NyssaDuck Posts: 50
    I'm a bit of a runner, started in January. I run 3 days a week, varied distances. No times to give, I'm kinda slow anyway. Managed my first 6 mile distance on the weekend. Have my first 5K in June... then I'll see how I feel after that.

    Running friends always welcome. :smile:
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    Newish runner here as well! Never really ran more than a couple miles at a time before, but I'm working towards becoming a "runner", instead of just a girl who can run.

    I have my first 5K of the year this coming weekend, currently training for my first half marathon in November, recovering from a nasty case of shin splints, and have yet to find a pair of socks I like while running (any recommendations??)

    Feel free to send a friend request, fellow runners! :smile:
  • TriNoob
    TriNoob Posts: 96 Member
    I run.

    I swim and bike too.

    But, I run.


    Training for my first Olympic distance triathlon in September, so I'm running three times a week in addition to the swim, bike and strength. Feel free to add!
  • losingitforsummer
    losingitforsummer Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me. Just getting back into running after taking 7 weeks off for rotator cuff surgery, feeling like a newbie runner again and i'm enjoying it!
  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    Another fellow runner your neck of the woods (well, just off the island in NDIP). My times are getting better as I drop some pounds and add some muscle (and as the weather starts to be more agreeable). Feel free to add me!
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    A friend of mine wrote this for a new online science magazine: thought all you runners might find it interesting!
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    Serious runner here!I've run over 90 races! Feel free to add me! Love runner buddies!

    5k: 24:02
    8k: 44:03
    10k: 51:03
    10 Miler: 1:22:03
    Half: 1:54:09
    Best full: 4: 35:06 (I've done 5!! - love it!)
  • RayInMotion
    RayInMotion Posts: 89 Member
    Began running again about 2 months ago. Looking for other motivated runners. I'm down to 23:40 in my 5K.
  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
    Well, it's been almost a year since that thread became dead. I'm back at running since March, after a few months off due to an endless winter. I'm still looking for runner friends! :)

    Here are my most recent stats:

    5k - 23:04 (2014-07-20, 4:37 min/km)
    10k - 48:14 (2014-06-09, 4:49 min/km)
    HM - 1:59:00 (2014-08-24, 5:38 min/km)

    2015 TIMES:
    5k - 25:44 (2015-03-09, 5:08 min/km)
    10k - 55:20 (2015-03-31, 5:32 min/km)

    Add me! :)


  • Y2111
    Y2111 Posts: 1
    Request sent! Definitely looking for some support for the summer!
  • Willbrown1972
    Willbrown1972 Posts: 3 Member
    Howdy! Former mountain biker turned runner.
    5K PR: 23:03
    10K PR: 49:22
    13.1 PR: 1:48:29
    26.2 PR: 4:17:41

    The half marathon is my favorite distance. I run 4 days a week, mostly on roads and greenways. Always good to meet fellow runners!
  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
    Those are great times! It shows you stayed in shape in the off-season, unlike me :D

    I had registered for a few HMs last summer but I lost motivation during the training. Even my 5-10k PRs stopped improving. That's why I'm going to focus on 10k this summer. And when I check my PR and compare them with the results of the local races, the rank I could get is pretty awesome :D

    But anyways, I'm looking forward to get back to that level this year!