cereal killer!



  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    I LOVE CEREAL! I've been eating mostly bran flakes and generic frosted mini wheats- I don't go by a serving size, but usually do between 1 and 1 1/2 cups. I was shocked with how much less you get with special k red berries! tasty, but not filling enough for me.
  • ugg this came about 30 minutes too late! I just chowed down a double serving of Captain Crunch Berries! DANG!!!
    good thing I'm going to work out in a few minutes. I'll have to work enough to have dinner!
  • Blr31977
    Blr31977 Posts: 49
    I love cereal!!! Especially frosted flakes and honey combs. Lol!
  • prescilla78
    prescilla78 Posts: 2 Member
    I love cereal, so if I know I'm going to eat some. I just replace my meal with it that way I wont eat both
  • JessMyLuck
    JessMyLuck Posts: 1
    AHHHH Special K Chocolatey Delight. Every single night i have a bowl of this. It is very addictive. I have never tried the fruit one. I would run 30 extra minutes if i had to just to eat it. (=
  • trudy45
    trudy45 Posts: 83
    God I thought it was only me!

    I have become addicted to Special K Chocolate and Strawberries. I have had to start weighing it out because I have been pouring 60g bowls thinking it was only around 40g and 30/40g bowls are no way enough for me :( Ive found myself eating 3 bowls a day just because I love it so much.

    This week I have 2 bowls one for lunch and one for supper 1 was weighed and 1 was, so going to have to be more strict with myself this week xxx
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    OMG!! I LOVE cereal!! I just had some as a snack in fact! YUMMY!! It is a trigger food for me too and I couuld much on it alllllll dayyyyyy!! I also need to make myself stop eating it. I have two small kids so I can't stop buying it but I try and make myself only get what they like. It's so hard to diet sometimes....
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I'd marry Boo Berry without a second thought. Straight up marry that weird blue ghost with the hat on like it ain't no thang.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'd marry Count Chocula if I could find him.....:sad:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I've not yet given in to the "red berry" cereals and that where you pay twice as much because it contains a few dried berries that you pay for the box without any added. I already have frozen berries in the freezer so I add a handful of raspberries (100grams, so ok more than a handful) myself, buying twice as much "plain" Special K for the price.
    But I was bad with the Oatmeal Crisp variety, tons of sugar in them, used to disappear a box a week, now the same box has lasted a month.

    Good idea - Red Berry Special K has way less protein than original Special K anyway (no fair!)
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Since I saw Raisin Bran mentioned it reminded me, I haven't bought raisin bran in a couple years, I buy bran flakes only and add an ounce of raisins myself, avoids the sugar or whatever they seem to frost the raisin bran flakes with.
  • And I thought it was just me - lol - my favorites are honey nut cheerios and frosted mini wheats. I just don't buy the stuff any more. LIke others here, it's a trigger food for me.

    I keep grapenuts to mix with yogurt and I eat oatmeal every morning.
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    I freaking love cereal. I always have. I could eat it for dinner every night and be perfectly happy. And I'm not talking about Kashi or healthy stuff like that, either.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Too funny! I didn't realize there were others out there!! :flowerforyou: I'm not the only one who loves cereal :smile: I always have a cup of cereal tho..even if the serving is 3/4 c. That 1/4 c makes a difference! Haha

    Question my fellow cereal lovers: What kind of milk do you have with your cereal? I drink 1% right now, but I'm not happy with the amount of sugar that's in it. By the time you add it to the cereal, that's more than half my sugar for the day! Any thoughts? Thanks!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I found a healthy cereal! Ezekiel 4:9.. I measure out a serving size, 57g which is around 180-200 depending on the kind you get, add some fruit like bananas, strawberries, blueberries, etc. with unsweetened almond milk. It's filling, tastes good, and doesn't have a bunch of sugar in it that I found in kashi cereal.
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    Ugh I defintiely agree. I love cereal and now usually eat the 'boring' cereal like Cheerios, or Special K. I used to eat all the good (but full of sugar) kinds like Captn Crunch, Fruity Pebbles, Coco Puff. Mmm how I miss those. Cereal is such a tease because usually the serving size is so small it barely fills me up for breakfast and I'm hungry not too long after. But I still eat it every morning for breakfast lol I measure my cereal out every morning or else I would eat 2 huge bowls. I used to eat cereal for dinner some nights lol oh how I miss that. Eventually I would like to gradually add in my old favorites into rotation :wink:
  • ash12783
    ash12783 Posts: 82 Member
    Anyone tried the Kellog's Product 19 cereal? It's really good! After comparing nearly every box of cereal on the aisle this was the best i could find. ONE WHOLE cup (not that 1/2 or 3/4c crap) is only 100 calories, and has 4 grams of sugar. And when i looked at the vitamins nearly that whole panel down the side said 100% DV...and it was a LONG list of nutrients! When i eat cereal I also like to add a few fresh sliced strawberries or bananas to up the volume since like most of you agree, a real serving of cereal is almost nothing compared to what we are used to eating! Darn these giant bowls lol!
    Oh and on a side note, i have the cutest little retro bowls that i LOVE bc they are deep yet fairly small in diameter so that serving of cereal looks like a big full bowl....good little mind trick for me!
  • ash12783
    ash12783 Posts: 82 Member
    Too funny! I didn't realize there were others out there!! :flowerforyou: I'm not the only one who loves cereal :smile: I always have a cup of cereal tho..even if the serving is 3/4 c. That 1/4 c makes a difference! Haha

    Question my fellow cereal lovers: What kind of milk do you have with your cereal? I drink 1% right now, but I'm not happy with the amount of sugar that's in it. By the time you add it to the cereal, that's more than half my sugar for the day! Any thoughts? Thanks!

    HEB has this milk called MooTopia...it's my favorite milk ever but i don't get it often bc it's a little more expensive (not bad though) and i don't make to HEB often...this milk is lactose free (never knew that til i just noticed on the carton one day) and it has 40% or %50 percent less sugar than regular milk...and it has less carbs too bc of the lower sugar..... i love this milk bc it tastes so clean and pure (if that makes any sense) lol....
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    I am the ultimate cereal addict. I've eaten through a newly opened box of COSTCO sized Kashi Golean in one night, and a costco sized box contains two regular sized boxes.

    I just can't buy cereal anymore. I'll eat endless amounts of the stuff over any other junk food. I'll eat cereal over chips, chocolate, even ice cream.

    Not sure why I love the stuff SO damn much.
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    I am crazy when it comes to cereal ! Breakfast, dinner and snack on it! Every day all the time, and never any of the healthy ones! Frosted Shreddies, Wheetos, Coco Pops, Crunchy Nut Clusters etc!

    If anyone hasn't done so, weigh out the recommend amount (usually 30g-40g) and it is tiny!
  • Aps123
    Aps123 Posts: 71 Member
    i love cereal too! i think i could eat the whole box. i switched to kashi go lean the one with fiber twigs and i will have a cup of it which is alot actually and a cup of almond milk. i have been eating it for breakfast and it keeps me full. the cereal is 140 cals and milk 90 the only problem is the carbs :(
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