not a happy camper right now



  • lesliewalker108
    lesliewalker108 Posts: 61 Member
    Wow I thought I was the only one having this problem. I started working out 6 out of 7 days and the scale wont budge any lower then 202.8 . INstead it will go up to 203 or 204.5. I want to taste 200 so bad for I haven't seen it in a long time. But I got to admit Im not drinking enough water too. BUt I will start and see what happens.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    johnriii wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    Wait, you've lost 7lbs over 4 weeks and you're complaining? Congrats, that's great progress! Weight loss isn't going to be linear, and the scale is annoying. Look at overall trends, realize some weeks you won't lose, and take pictures and measurements to use as other benchmarks for success.

    And none of the comments in this thread are meant to be harsh; you are likely reading into a tone that isn't there. It's something that can be difficult in online forums. None of us are berating you, although several of us can be blunt.

    Not really complaining as much as disappointed. I came looking for information and support, as well as solutions. I got all three, and then some! I usually get into some intense conversations on Smartphone forum threads, they got NOTHING on you guys over here! thanks again.

    If you really hate yourself, join a parenting forum...
  • msullivan1979
    msullivan1979 Posts: 13 Member
    HJMBaird wrote: »
    She said: "I didn't lose 50 lbs... I lost 1 lbs. And then lost 1 more lbs. And I did that 50 times."

    I like that and it is very true!! 1 lb at at time
  • confinedbeauty
    confinedbeauty Posts: 3 Member
    jlahorn wrote: »
    johnriii wrote: »
    I'm past the gotta look good in my jeans phase; this is about my long-term health.

    Don't forget... since this is about health and not vanity, cardiovascular exercise has a ton of benefits other than just weight control.

    Keep it up :)

  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Some jumbled thoughts on this but maybe something will stick.

    Often you'll gain weight when starting a new workout program. Also, watch out for sodium-I've found that when I weigh in after a high sodium day I might be a pound or two heavier. I also think MFP overestimates calorie burns. For me, if I cut the MFP calorie burn estimate in half it is usually pretty close to what my HR monitor tells me. I think you're otherwise on the right track. Log every bit of food, drink lots of water, get enough sleep if you can. Weigh yourself at the same time and in the same state of dress/undress each time and don't worry about minor fluctuations - look at the longer term trend instead. Staying motivated when the going gets tough is key - you gotta get your mind right.
  • johnriii
    johnriii Posts: 18 Member
    Some jumbled thoughts on this but maybe something will stick.

    Often you'll gain weight when starting a new workout program. Also, watch out for sodium-I've found that when I weigh in after a high sodium day I might be a pound or two heavier. I also think MFP overestimates calorie burns. For me, if I cut the MFP calorie burn estimate in half it is usually pretty close to what my HR monitor tells me. I think you're otherwise on the right track. Log every bit of food, drink lots of water, get enough sleep if you can. Weigh yourself at the same time and in the same state of dress/undress each time and don't worry about minor fluctuations - look at the longer term trend instead. Staying motivated when the going gets tough is key - you gotta get your mind right.

    Makes tons of sense. Thanks
  • confinedbeauty
    confinedbeauty Posts: 3 Member
    Losing weight is more than just about calories consumed vs caloric output. Take a hard look at your sodium intake which will make you retain water. How high is your sugar intake? Even just eating fruits, a natural source of sugar, can overload you on your sugar intake; and when sugar breaks down in the body any of it that has not been burned off by the end of the day turns into stored fat, but the kind of stored fat that is very very hard to burn off. The same thing applies with carbohydrates because carbohydrates break down into sugar in the body. Also monitor your fat intake, what types of fats are you consuming and how much? All of these things can greatly impact weightloss in addition to calories in/out. But if your ultimate goal is your overall health then don't discount the positive changes you are making by exercising and making better diatary choices. It is not all in vain simply because the numbers aren't dropping fast enough. And keep in mind you may have been in the military and been fit when you were young, but your body isn't that of a 22 year olds anymore, it has a different metabolism with different needs both nutritionally and physically. Keep up the motivation and don't lose sight of your goals! You can do this!!! :smile:
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    johnriii wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    johnriii wrote: »
    The problem isn't going to be not drinking enough water or not meeting your calorie allowance. The fault most likely lies in your calorie counting. Make sure you measure out everything and track super accurately. Losing weight really is just a case of calories in/calories out. You may be overestimating the amount of calories you burn during exercise, or underestimating your intake. Double check you've input your measurements and activity level correctly.

    I appreciate the input, but I'm very accurate on both counts. my cardio exercises are done on elliptical machines and treadmills, so if they're wrong, not my fault! seriously, I DO believe in the premise of not enough water or eating too little. it's been proven by weight watchers and others that too little food will send your body into starvation mode, and hold on to weight/fat for dear life. the Army also believes this as well. either way, water can't hurt me, and a little more food would give me more fuel to workout more efficiently. we'll see come next thursday. thanks.

    Then why are you eating 700 calories under your goal? If you put that you want to lose weight, it already has a deficit built into your calorie goal. If you said you want to lose 1lb per week it's 500, 2 would be 1000. So, you are possibly eating at a 1200-1700 calorie deficit.

    You claim that you are logging accurately, although your diary isn't open, so I can't contribute much to that. Be sure you are weighing your solid foods with a food scale and choosing accurate data entries (thanks to all the users who manage to F thousands of entries up). Also, the machines typically do overestimate; I just log 2/3 of the calories it tells me that I burn.

    That said, it's been a week; give it time.

    ok. wow. some of you guys are intense! I'm going back to the Marines where I can get paid to be yelled at! LOL...seriously, I don't eat under my calorie count on purpose...I work two Jobs, 64-65 hours a week, it's kinda hard to weigh food, prepare food, buy food, etc with my schedule, plus other things that life outside of work demands. I'm doing great with slimfast and Smart Ones as busy as some of my days can be. (yes, I'm doing THIS on my work PC!) with that being said, I'm new to all of this, and "Open Diary" was nothing that i knew anything about. I'm just a guy trying to get healthier, nothing more. the simple fact that I'm going to the Gym everyday that I don't work my 2nd job (four days a week) should net me some results, and i HAVE lost 7 lbs in three weeks, just none last week. thanks again for the information, i had no idea that exercise machines could be inaccurate.

    That made me laugh! Sorry you feel that way. It can be harsh around here. But, 99% of the time the intention IS to help you succeed. Just some people deliver their message differently than others. You have received some good advice here. Keep doing what you're doing and keep track of your progress. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing!

    Your work schedule makes me tired just reading about it, so that's understandably an obstacle, but there are others here in the same situation. And thank you for your military service. Have a great weekend!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    edited April 2015
    Take a hard look at your sodium intake which will make you retain water

    Yes, it will make you retain water, but if you have a consistantly high sodium intake then you will remain at a consistantly high water retention state. If you are successfully cutting calories you will still see your weight decrease as you lose fat and muscle mass. Your body can't just retain more and more and more water to make up for that. You should still see the weightloss trend over time reguardless of sodium intake. Sodium is a common temporary masker (you eat alot one day and it looks like you gained alot the next), but it can't stop weight loss.
    and when sugar breaks down in the body any of it that has not been burned off by the end of the day turns into stored fat

    Your body is not on this magical 24 hour clock that resets at midnight. Sure you are not actively burning as much as when you are up and walking around, but if you work out or stress your body throughout the day it spends alot of energy repairing while you sleep. Also, glycogen stores have to be refilled before it shuffles things into long term storage of fat.
  • johnriii
    johnriii Posts: 18 Member
    Losing weight is more than just about calories consumed vs caloric output. Take a hard look at your sodium intake which will make you retain water. How high is your sugar intake? Even just eating fruits, a natural source of sugar, can overload you on your sugar intake; and when sugar breaks down in the body any of it that has not been burned off by the end of the day turns into stored fat, but the kind of stored fat that is very very hard to burn off. The same thing applies with carbohydrates because carbohydrates break down into sugar in the body. Also monitor your fat intake, what types of fats are you consuming and how much? All of these things can greatly impact weightloss in addition to calories in/out. But if your ultimate goal is your overall health then don't discount the positive changes you are making by exercising and making better diatary choices. It is not all in vain simply because the numbers aren't dropping fast enough. And keep in mind you may have been in the military and been fit when you were young, but your body isn't that of a 22 year olds anymore, it has a different metabolism with different needs both nutritionally and physically. Keep up the motivation and don't lose sight of your goals! You can do this!!! :smile:

    Lots of good information, thanks a lot.
  • johnriii
    johnriii Posts: 18 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    johnriii wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    johnriii wrote: »
    The problem isn't going to be not drinking enough water or not meeting your calorie allowance. The fault most likely lies in your calorie counting. Make sure you measure out everything and track super accurately. Losing weight really is just a case of calories in/calories out. You may be overestimating the amount of calories you burn during exercise, or underestimating your intake. Double check you've input your measurements and activity level correctly.

    I appreciate the input, but I'm very accurate on both counts. my cardio exercises are done on elliptical machines and treadmills, so if they're wrong, not my fault! seriously, I DO believe in the premise of not enough water or eating too little. it's been proven by weight watchers and others that too little food will send your body into starvation mode, and hold on to weight/fat for dear life. the Army also believes this as well. either way, water can't hurt me, and a little more food would give me more fuel to workout more efficiently. we'll see come next thursday. thanks.

    Then why are you eating 700 calories under your goal? If you put that you want to lose weight, it already has a deficit built into your calorie goal. If you said you want to lose 1lb per week it's 500, 2 would be 1000. So, you are possibly eating at a 1200-1700 calorie deficit.

    You claim that you are logging accurately, although your diary isn't open, so I can't contribute much to that. Be sure you are weighing your solid foods with a food scale and choosing accurate data entries (thanks to all the users who manage to F thousands of entries up). Also, the machines typically do overestimate; I just log 2/3 of the calories it tells me that I burn.

    That said, it's been a week; give it time.

    ok. wow. some of you guys are intense! I'm going back to the Marines where I can get paid to be yelled at! LOL...seriously, I don't eat under my calorie count on purpose...I work two Jobs, 64-65 hours a week, it's kinda hard to weigh food, prepare food, buy food, etc with my schedule, plus other things that life outside of work demands. I'm doing great with slimfast and Smart Ones as busy as some of my days can be. (yes, I'm doing THIS on my work PC!) with that being said, I'm new to all of this, and "Open Diary" was nothing that i knew anything about. I'm just a guy trying to get healthier, nothing more. the simple fact that I'm going to the Gym everyday that I don't work my 2nd job (four days a week) should net me some results, and i HAVE lost 7 lbs in three weeks, just none last week. thanks again for the information, i had no idea that exercise machines could be inaccurate.

    That made me laugh! Sorry you feel that way. It can be harsh around here. But, 99% of the time the intention IS to help you succeed. Just some people deliver their message differently than others. You have received some good advice here. Keep doing what you're doing and keep track of your progress. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing!

    Your work schedule makes me tired just reading about it, so that's understandably an obstacle, but there are others here in the same situation. And thank you for your military service. Have a great weekend!

    Yeah, I can be quite the knee slap generator! Thank you all again, I really didn't expect this much support. I feel so much better since early this morning.