JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Okay, so get this... I've been at a plateau for well over a month now.. that doesn't bother me much because I know I'm tightening up and losing inches.. BUT, this weekend for me was exhausting and thought maybe I'd see a difference in my actually weight... I taught a Spin class Saturday morning then lifted weights, practiced for a football tournament coming up for about an hour and a half, then had a Wii Bowling tournament with my brother and his GF.. I hardly had time to put anything in my mouth! Sunday, I got up ran a mile on our neighborhood bike trail, washed my SUV by hand, and played with my daughter at the park... Sunday's are usually my rest day but I still try to stay pretty active... I was WAY under my calorie goal both days (which in fact is unusual... I hover right at or +100 most of the time).. so I thought this morning would be a good day for a weigh-in, UH NO!! I gained 2 lbs.!! WTF, how does that happen? :noway:

So damn, frustrated...

BTW, I have been very faithful to log ALL of my food and have been within my calorie ranges as recommend for the past 2 months, changed my workout routine drastically thinking that was my problem, and even had blood work done.. no problems there.. what else can I do to break this plateau as an actual # on the scale?


  • sherrilcox
    sherrilcox Posts: 5
    I would suggest taking a rest day and eating ALL of your calories. Sounds like to me your body is resisting all that activity and you aren't providing enough fuel.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Muscles retaining water.
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    maybe it is because you were way under you calorie goal?
  • netsirk419
    netsirk419 Posts: 30 Member
    Could time of the month be a factor?
  • alibslim
    alibslim Posts: 16
    BUT DO YOU FEEL GREAT!!!!!!!!! Don't give up and in my book inches matter more the mass. I have no answer for ya, wish I did. I just hate to see someone get so upset. You are doing so much maybe it's muscle your seeing. Don't give up or give in!!!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Gosh, don't know, but I can understand your frustration - you poor thing! But it sounds like you are SO fit, and all that exercise will be making you look really good too. Well done!
  • amsecord
    amsecord Posts: 9 Member
    Your profile says you're a physical trainer, I would expect you to know that muscles weigh more than fat. At a certain point of exercising you begin to gain weight. Gaining weight is not a bad thing if you're losing inches and looking good.
  • dgbon
    dgbon Posts: 2
    I am having the exact same problem and am presuming it's either a) water retention due to dehydration or b) have been a little lax on my logging.....as in I do log everything, but perhaps not the right quantity.

    My solution has been to a) drink more water throughout the day b) be extra careful on my logging c) bump up the level of intensity of my workouts.

    Bottom line is to stick to the plan and you will acheive your goal despite these temporary plataeus.
  • Why do you want to weigh less than 100 lbs?
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Maybe you're not giviong your body enough food....?

    I mean you sound very active, that I'm sure 1200-1400 is not going to be enough...
  • alb_photog
    alb_photog Posts: 110 Member
    Maybe something in your diet isn't working. Try eating more whole wheat. Or eating more protein. By tweaking it here and there you can see how your body responds.
  • I've found for me that lowering my bad carb intake and watching my caloric intake has really helped me. Good luck you can do it!
  • I feel the same way and recently I ran across this free podcast by Jillian Michaels that kind of put things in perspective for me. I work out really hard and don't loose much but realized that I may not be eating enough calories and my body is holding on to what I have. I am currently working on watching my calories and making sure I am eating enough to be able to burn the fat... still working on it and hoping to conquer my last 15 lbs :) Good luck. Here is the link. http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/debunking-the-plateau-myrtle/id418368811?i=93856288
  • LilChickPea
    LilChickPea Posts: 122 Member
    Muscles retaining water.

    More than likely the case! I give my self 2 days of rest and then weigh myself.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    let's get down and dirty with your nutrition JPayne.

    You need to ask yourself some tough quesitons.


    Have I set the correct weekly goal for my current situation?

    Have I set a reasonable goal for my total weight?

    Am I eating the RIGHT calories?

    Forget about how much exercising you are doing, that's wonderful and all, but exercise doesn't lose weight, nutrition loses weight, exercise simply keeps you strong and healthy so you can lose weight with your nutrition.

    Start by giving your statistics.
    I.E. Height, Weight, activity level (although we have a decent idea already), any medical conditions, body fat % if you know it, Waist to Hip Ratio if you don't, what your goals are...etc. anything you think might be relevant.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    Open up your diary babe so we can see your food intake!
    I exercise 5 days + a week 3 days cardio and 5 days weights, my daily food intake is around 2100 cals anything below this and I start to loose weight (I dont need to loose weight) anything under 1400cals and I dont loose weight and my muscle starts disapearing and fat % rises!
    Could you NOT be eating enough?
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I'm sorry for your gain. It's strange that you gained weight instead of losing it. Stay tough and hang in there. Don't let this eat you up too much.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member

    first of all congratulations on how far you have come thus far.

    it seems like you have the energy of a marine,so what you gained 2lbs its not the end of the world, its proably just water because your weight will change daily up, down or neither just dont sweat it,with all you do you seem like a person who is excercising and eating right, so dont beat yourself up because of what the scale showed you, you will get past this just turn your focus to something more positive and believe me you will reach your goals.
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    let's get down and dirty with your nutrition JPayne.

    You need to ask yourself some tough quesitons.


    Have I set the correct weekly goal for my current situation?

    Have I set a reasonable goal for my total weight?

    Am I eating the RIGHT calories?

    Forget about how much exercising you are doing, that's wonderful and all, but exercise doesn't lose weight, nutrition loses weight, exercise simply keeps you strong and healthy so you can lose weight with your nutrition.

    Start by giving your statistics.
    I.E. Height, Weight, activity level (although we have a decent idea already), any medical conditions, body fat % if you know it, Waist to Hip Ratio if you don't, what your goals are...etc. anything you think might be relevant.

    Okay, so my question is.. do I reset my caloric intake for my lifestyle weekly? I'm tracking.. Fat, Protein, Carbs, Fiber, and Sodium... the one thing I make sure I am ALWAYS under is sodium.. so I don't now if water retention is a factor..

    I am 5' 1" @ 145lbs..I'm a medium framed mesomorph, Chest 38, Waist 32, Hips 36, my body fat is a whopping 28.9%... I work 8 hours a day at a desk and 2 hours a day at a local gym as a personal trainer (5 days of the week) I usually workout with my clients for an hour (this is how I get my workouts in most days).. I head home for a good meal of mostly lean meat and raw veggies, I've even been tracking my sleep cycle thinking that could be throwing my off.. 7 hours a night for the past 2 months and that's been steady, not on any medications other than birth control, was diagnosed with a heart murmur when born but doesn't bother any of my daily living tasks... In high school I was 117 lbs. I know I won't ever be that thin and don't want to be, my realistic goal is 130 lbs. by sometime in my 20's!! WHAT THE HELL AM I MISSING!!! I'm a personal trainer and just got certified as a nutritionist... I just don't get it?????
  • mrstyler
    mrstyler Posts: 43
    I would chip in about the potential water weight or something else odd. For about four days I looked like I had suddenly gained 5lbs and then voila! Sometime over the weekend, it all went away again [I was not counting calories this weekend, so it wasn't eating particularly healthfully to account for this.] My suggestion is to do what others have suggested and look over your plan, evaluate what you are doing and don't freak out! Give it a little time to see if it was a weird blip.
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