Needing to lose 100+ lbs and need friends. :)

Hello all!! I've been on and off MFP for a while now. I'm wanting to lose 100+ lbs and I'm looking for friends that are doing the same or have already started their journey and are well on their way. Please add me.


  • alliejtw86
    alliejtw86 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey girl! I'm currently on my 100 lb weight loss journey and I'd be happy to be a friend and a support system! We can do this!
  • nailfx1
    nailfx1 Posts: 6 Member
    I need to lose at least 100 lbs also. I would be happy to be your friend!
  • penny0207
    penny0207 Posts: 7 Member
    Same here! My kids are just about off to start their own lives so now it's time to focus on me! This is day two on here for me but my journey started a month ago actually. Looking for others for support and understanding on just what I am going through
  • Ellis1016
    Ellis1016 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi. I'm also trying to lose over 100 pounds! Would appreciate the support and maybe sharing helpful diet and exercise tips.
  • janinekqadadah
    janinekqadadah Posts: 5 Member
    I've been there as well and still have another 50 to lose. I'd love to help support you in your journey! :)
  • BigNoMore1234
    BigNoMore1234 Posts: 2 Member
    100+ here. Just a heads up I'm male, probably going to be doing strictly calorie restriction (maybe Keto at some point) Any way just wanted to give a heads up in case someone to add me.
  • Hey there! :) I've lost 23 lbs this past month, but i still have over 100lbs to go as well! Feel free to add me guys. I'm always looking for weightloss buddies to share this journey with!
  • itsaylin
    itsaylin Posts: 1
    hey! ☺️
  • Need to lose close to 200 :( super stressed, embarrassed and lonely. Don't know if i should give up. I don't want surgery
  • acsinger21
    acsinger21 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm working to loose about 30 lbs if not more, I would love to have some weight loss buddies! I've been doing it alone for about a month and it's hard. I'd love to be there to support all of you!!!
  • tinkerslm
    tinkerslm Posts: 4 Member
    I need to lose over 100 pounds. Would love to gave friend to help and support and get help and support. Please add me.
  • BlackandWhitePhotoOp
    BlackandWhitePhotoOp Posts: 308 Member
    Everyone here is welcome to add me. I've lost over 40 pounds and still have another 62 pounds to go. We can do it together; it takes a village! ;)
  • Hey I need to lose about 220 pounds so I'm right there with you, yall can add me here if you like :)
  • Stinam16
    Stinam16 Posts: 5 Member
    I have lost 31lbs and need another 45 to meet my goal. I also need motivation to get me to my goal, I am willing to give support if you can help me in return. All support welcome; add me for support!