hunger aggrivation

kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
well i didn't get fat overnight! Not being active has never been my problem... i'm actually quite athletic despite my obesity... the thing is I am a food addict... I mean literally... here I am I just ate 2 hrs ago and I'm starting to feel the hunger pains... now I'm doing well and making my activities longer & with more purpose & I am glad to be actually feeling hunger and not just searching out of boredom... which is what I am used to. Only now I literally am totally annoyed... I don't want to go eat yet. but i'm ANNOYED by everything around me. I don't want my kids to talk to me, I want the dog to go away... I feel anxious & disturbed... it's not time to eat yet!

How long until I'm feeling sane between meals? This is by far worse than when I quit smoking cigarettes...

I know calorie wise I can go eat some celery or carrots... too bad my obnoxious 18 yr old brother eats all the groceries I buy and I have nothing light to snack on and no more money to go to the store... lil spoiled brat... Plus I want to avoid the carbs...

I'm just hoping to come out with my sanity intact, is that too much to ask for?


  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Tell your brother you licked all your food before you put it in the fridge
  • benesba
    benesba Posts: 1
    The hunger is so hard. I have been counting calories for months and I go to bed hungry. I keep asking myself, how long does this hunger last? Will it ever go away?

    If you fill up with proteins, it really helps. I try and eat carbs mid day , then for dinner I try to avoid carbs. I am hungry all the time.
  • rebysue
    rebysue Posts: 136
    One thing that really helped me to get through the hunger part of thing was fiber supplements (Fiber One, Metamucil, Benefiber, etc.). They take the edge off the hunger but don't add a whole lot of calories. Another thing that helped was to eat smaller meals 2-3 hours apart instead of three big meals a day (I actually still eat this way). You can do it! :smile:
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I'm hungry. All the time. After a big meal. After a small meal. After a snack that I ate shortly after being hungry from the meal I had before the snack.

    It's a curse. I could eat all day. :C
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    Are you eating a lot of fast burning carbs?

    The only time I have this issue is when I am eating sweet or highly processed carbohydrate. This can happen if you are eating a lot of diet bars, you know the type, rice crispies stuck together.

    A problem with alot of foods produced by the diet industry, is that they take out the fat because it is high in calories, and the protein as it costs more money, This leaves carbohydrates which are cheap.

    These cause your body to cycle between high sugar when you have just eaten, high sugar in blood stream is dangerous, body produces insulin, insulin makes body stores excess sugar as fat, blood sugar is low again, you now feel hungry and the cycle starts again.

    Try eating protein at each meal, when eaten it produces more of a chemical that tells you that you are full.

    I hope this helps, a high protein breakfast can set me up for 6 hours. :wink:
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    @Janet: how much protien counts as a lot for a good meal?
  • mamamadonna
    mamamadonna Posts: 99
    Tell your brother you licked all your food before you put it in the fridge

    LOL love this!

    An apple always helps me when I get hungry before its time to eat. 1 tbsp of peanut butter on a low sodium rice cake is always good too.
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    i'm eating mostly protein. maybe an apple, mandarin orange, low carb bread, and raw veggies.. and pineapple is in season here so they're cheap... we been having pineapple every day. but mostly i eat protein... I eat a 200-400 calories every few hours...

    I think what i'm eating is fine... just the breaking of the habit... it's making me edgy & cranky cuz i keep thinking about what i could go eat... sometimes i'm already hungry... other times i'm just ticked off cuz i keep thinking about food...

    when will i stop thinking about food & being on edge in between meal times?
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I get like that too. I usually find if I keep my mind busy, I wont have time to think about food.
    Maybe read a book, or play a video game?
  • If its actual hunger youre feeling and not having cravings then you should consider eating something small just to tide you over until your next meal. Having an empty stomach can definately make you irritable and if your blood sugar gets low it makes you even crabbier. Also if youre ignoring your hunger on a regular basis your bodys natural response is to store more fat when you do eat to prepare for the next anticipated starvation period so it can actually harm your weight loss progress.
  • WhyW8
    WhyW8 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm hungry all the time too. For me eating every few hours seems to work. I get very cranky when I'm too hungry. I make my own 100-ish calorie snacks - a tablespoon of hummus & 3 oz. of baby carrots / a lo-cal slice of bread (80 cals) toasted plus 1 wedge laughing cow spreadable cheese or the wheat thins flat breads and that cheese. 100 cal bags of microwave popcorn are great too. Any snack thats around 100 calories I feel I can eat and not feel guilty about it. for breakfast I haven't found anything that fills me up like quick oats (oatmeal). they are cheap, quick and easy to make and then I put my own stuff in there to make it fun (and taste good) Also I used to have a roommate that would literally eat everything (currently trying to get him to join this site!) and I actually resorted to keeping non-perishable stuff in my room - at least when I wanted it, it was there! I keep somethings at work as well in the fridge- not sure if thats an option for you or not. It's hard. I find I go to bed a bit earlier so I don't have to deal with the late-night cravings. But a cup of hot tea does help a bit (sometimes -depends on the day!)
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you for this post. I am very often hungry, and couldn't figure out why. It is less since I started this site and eating my calories back. But it's still there.

    Drinking lots of water helps!

    I'm glad I'm not alone!
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Kayte - My heart goes out to you... I want to say it was roughly a month or so before the hunger pangs went away, but they do still show up on occasion as well - I wish I had an answer for you that would not only answer your question, but to help how you are feeling!!!

    I am just amazed at your strength every single day and you are such an inspiration to me every day - If there is ANYTHING I can do to help out - please let me know because I really do want to be the MFP friend to you that you are for me!!!

    Thinking of you,
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    thanks everybody... i'm really trying to listen to my body & remember...

    there's a difference between hunger... and wanting to eat!
  • mkiesel33
    mkiesel33 Posts: 16
    Tell your brother you licked all your food before you put it in the fridge

    LOL love this!

    An apple always helps me when I get hungry before its time to eat. 1 tbsp of peanut butter on a low sodium rice cake is always good too.

    and they don't have to be refridgerated so you can keep them in your room.
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209

    and they don't have to be refridgerated so you can keep them in your room.

    yes i have a mini fridge too, but i buy for the whole family, living in a multi family house where i'm downstairs & my parents & 2 brothers are upstairs... just ticks me off he goes through it 5x faster than anyone and doesn't contribute! lol hahahaha

    thanks u guys are great
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