How do you tell?



  • SSawney
    SSawney Posts: 69 Member
    No not at all I have big hips and I was a size 12 after I had my daughter I am back down to a size 8 I do alot of sqauts especially plei squats that trigger our hips. I also do a ton of aerobic and weight lifting classes I really target my legs during exercise. I work with personal trainers and this is what they have me doing and I have seen great results
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I know I can get to my goal because I was there before I got pregnant. I have incredibly huge hips but I think I looked good at a size 8.
    Personally, I think, if you haven't been that size before and you're not sure you can get there... shoot for a healthy weight and see how you feel. Don't worry about sizes, just focus on health and how you feel.
  • I am 5'2". At my HW I measured 54" hips(was a size 20-22 Old navy & Lane Bryant). I haven't taken my measurements for over a month now however, I believe I am under 40" now. I am in mainly size 6-8 pants. I can fit in some size 4. The sizes vary depending on name brand/cut.

    I believe you and I have the same build. It is possible to get down where you want to be and not look sick. Us gals with the big hips will always have the hourglass figure =)
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I am 5'2". At my HW I measured 54" hips(was a size 20-22 Old navy & Lane Bryant). I haven't taken my measurements for over a month now however, I believe I am under 40" now. I am in mainly size 6-8 pants. I can fit in some size 4. The sizes vary depending on name brand/cut.

    I believe you and I have the same build. It is possible to get down where you want to be and not look sick. Us gals with the big hips will always have the hourglass figure =)

    Yeah I think for the sake of my motivation though I should aim for the short-term goals first. The thing that keeps me going is being able to check off checkpoints so if I get to 150, size 12, whatever, and still want to go down, I can always do that. I didn't realize that until today but it makes sense :)
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I'm of a larger / dense bone structure and am size 6 @ 134 pounds, 5'0"

    Ideally, I should be a 2-4 and 10 pounds lighter. Getting to low 120s, though, so hard...
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I don't know that there's a magic number or size. Sure we all have something in mind, but as we get closer to that goal we adjust. It's just the nature of things. You're number might be higher or lower. Personally I attack it from a 'how do I feel and look' perspective. Goal wise, I want to be at 180lbs but if I don't feel good or don't think I look good at that weight, I'll go lower. If I find that I like how I look and feel at 180lbs, then I'll maintain from there.

    Your brain and eyes will tell you when you get there.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    I am 4 11" I am a size 12 currently.......My weight is 158. I know I am capable of going down a few more sizes. My main goal is to get at a healthy BMI. So I have 35-40 lbs to get there. Make small goals, you feel better as you achieve them and just keep setting new goal!
  • msibilla1
    msibilla1 Posts: 18
    you can do whatever you set your mind too. you just have to believe and be determined to not stop till you get what you want. I started my fitness pal in March and I have been very determined to lose 80-100 pounds when I first started i was in a size 18-20 and starting weight was 242 now 2 and half months later I have lost 23 lbs and in a size 15-16 for me my goal weight is 150 or a size 8. It's all about determination and will power. I know you can do it! So just push yourself and if you every need any motivation you can count on me to push you!
