Who is that in the mirror???

I am a forty year old woman, who has more than doubled her weight in the last 22 years.

I have an amazing family, who love me as I am, which doesn't help with the motivation.

I know I need to stick with it, for health as well as happiness, but how do I stick with it when there is so much to loose?????


  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    You are at the right place. Think positive. Don't think of how much you have to lose but how much you will gain if you succeed. You didn't put the weight overnight so you won't lose it in one night, not even in one month. It will be a slow progress but nevertheless, progress. Set small attainable goals at first and remember that you are changing your lifestyle not just your weight number. Each time you get discouraged, imagine yourself in a year from now and keep on going. You don't have to starve, or exhaust yourself in training or take special pills/powders. It's much simpler. You have to eat less calories than you burn. Use MyFitnessPal site to figure out how much you should eat and try to incorporate some kind of activity every day even if its just using the stairs instead of the elevator. Check out the message boards for success stories and advice to other members. Log in everyday what you are eating and check your habits. Dont be impatient. Time will pass anyway, make it worth! You can do this!