I have no willpower lol

My daughter downloaded this app for me yesterday, so new to all this, but i dont have much willpower. Discussing with others might help ? :\


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    My mom asked about this too. She set up an account but I know she feels the same way you do. Honestly, if you do this right-you'll see results within a week, two weeks top. That's not very long. Once you see results, you don't want to stop.

    Do you have any specific questions about the app/process/calorie counting?
  • emilyj613
    emilyj613 Posts: 15 Member
    If you're talking about willpower when it comes to resisting food and snacking, by biggest tip is to chew sugar free gum. It helps so much!
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    kaztaz292 wrote: »
    My daughter downloaded this app for me yesterday, so new to all this, but i dont have much willpower. Discussing with others might help ? :\

    I'll be honest with you, this will probably never be something you enjoy doing. Unless you're some sort of weirdo. But, it does become a habit that's easier to do the more you do it and the rewards make it worthwhile. And if you have people on here you rant at, share your frustrations with, etc - you'll probably find it a bit easier to cope with the hurdles.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Willpower is like a muscle; it only gets stronger if you exercise it. So start your exercise program now!
  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    Willpower is like a muscle; it only gets stronger if you exercise it. So start your exercise program now!

    Oh I like this!
  • pamelatorbett
    We are all like that on different levels, but it really does help being here and chatting to friends on here! Welcome!
  • lovematthewchristopher
    It does get a bit easier as you go on. I was never able to stick with other diets that i was on, and quickly became discouraged, so i never thought this would work when i first started. But.... like alot of people will tell you, this is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. Alot of the people on here are awesome, and as much as i was ready to do this, i dont think i could have done it without them. You can do this, we are all here for you.
  • kaitlinrt
    kaitlinrt Posts: 28 Member
    I have started using this app and then failed so many times! I don't know why this time is different; I really wish I could pinpoint it. I guess I finally got to the point that I was obese and my doctor was honest with me! What a slap in the face that realization was! It's almost like being an alcoholic, take it one day at a time. If you have a bad day, still do it the next day.
  • kaztaz292
    kaztaz292 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanx to everyone for their encouraging words :) these 1st couple of days have been ok, even tho i was craving choc. last night lol.
    I think i'll probably be here at some point most days, even if it's just to use it like a diary or see if there's any good recipes.
    Looking forward to making some good friends along the way. x
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I've found that willpower comes later (the muscle analogy is accurate). In the beginning, I kept any foods that I tended to overeat out of the house entirely (cookies, cereal, chocolate, chips, etc.).
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 176 Member
    Will power is a broad subject. Pick one thing to change, like logging everyday without fail for example, and you will start to establish a good habit in the right direction. After a month goes by it will just be another part of your day. Add other good habits along the way like your water or fiber goal and you will get there. Accountability is where it is at for me. Safe journey to you!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Willpower is overrated. I am more concerned that your daughter signed you up and potentially you haven't put much thought in to this. Do you know what you want at the end of this?

    The nice thing about an online calorie counter is a lot of the calculating is done for you. It's not like the old days with pen and paper.

  • kaztaz292
    kaztaz292 Posts: 5 Member
    I've found that willpower comes later (the muscle analogy is accurate). In the beginning, I kept any foods that I tended to overeat out of the house entirely (cookies, cereal, chocolate, chips, etc.).
    I agree, that was the easiest way for me as well, have been ok so far, dont know how long it will last :)
  • kaztaz292
    kaztaz292 Posts: 5 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Willpower is overrated. I am more concerned that your daughter signed you up and potentially you haven't put much thought in to this. Do you know what you want at the end of this?

    The nice thing about an online calorie counter is a lot of the calculating is done for you. It's not like the old days with pen and paper.


    Thank you, i had asked my daughter to sign me up for it tho, as i'm not much good at technical stuff lol, so she did it on my fone so i can check stuff when i want. The calorie counter is great and definately makes things easier.
    I have arthitis and getting checked as they think i have fibromyalgia so losing a bit of weight is for health reasons, i have 5 grandchildren and would like to be fit enough to do things with them. :)
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Willpower is a myth. You have choices. You can choose to do what helps you reach your goal or choose not to. Its as simple as that.