Plateau help



  • olivere02
    olivere02 Posts: 11
    You will not lose every week. It just won't happen, even if you are perfect in your logging & exercise. Some weeks you will even gain. The body, unfortunately, is not perfect. Its too easily influenced by hormones, stress, sodium, sleep, routine, etc. - and the result is water weight.

    Don't feel like you should be starving yourself. The typical cycle is starve for a while, don't see results fast enough, figure 'what the h*ll' and then eat everything in site until you get the next 'I'm going to lose weight' inspiration.

    Instead eat at a reasonable deficit, something you can do for a while. This is not going to be something you 'finish' right away. Trust the science, that over time this is the way to lose weight & be healthier. Compare your weight now to what you weighed 30 days ago to get a better look at your trend.

    1400-1600 is my suggestion based on your stats. Think of calories as a budget. Fuel your body. Eat protein, veggies, fruits, whole grains. And you'll probably have enough calories for occasional treats. Be accurate & honest. Once or twice a month, have a day where you eat around 2000 if you want to. Kind of a taste of 'regular' life. Make efforts to move and be active. Do things you enjoy. Enjoy being outside.

    For what its worth: I'm 5'5.5", started at 178.5 and in 9.5 months went to 127ish. I've been maintaining between 123-128 for almost 6 months now. Ate 1400-1600 for about 6 months, then 1600-1800. Now generally 1800ish. And I'm older - turned 40 last year. Youth is on your side. :)

    I really appreciate your help and your success story is so inspiring!