50 and Frustrated



  • darylchilds59
    darylchilds59 Posts: 6 Member
    I started menopause at 45 and went from 56 kilos to 64. A couple of years later another 8 kilos appeared and then a few years later another 8 kilos. Now at 55 and 80 kilos, and after ruling out things like thyroid or diabetes, I am just acknowledging that if I want to get my waist back I will have to diet.
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    Hi Donna7763,
    I had the same experience as you, never had to worry about weight. Till the 40's for me the pounds started adding up.. good for you catching it at only 10pds.... mine was 30pds & kept telling myself I "deserved" some extra weight....wrong.
    Now I am working on losing the last 10pd and have my settings for 1/2pd a week.
    I found you have to really watch the calorie intake. and any exercise is a bonus. I also work in so I can have my glass/glasses of wine, scotch, etc..
    I think it is harder over 50, but it can be done..good luck.
  • ginotti1956
    Hi i am 58 have been ill and need to lose 35lb have joined a local gym 3 weeks ago and till this week had lost Zero spent 25 to 30 mins in the gym every other day. This week i started swimming in the gym pool every other day and have lost 3lb it's hard work but will keep up the swimming,with some cardio in the gym as extra good luck all
  • lukne
    lukne Posts: 5 Member
    I turned 50 in January and immediately put on five pounds. This is very embarrassing sine I too am a fitness trainer. I'm on the Whole30 plan now and so Farsi good. But can not get away with what I used to.
  • o2bebre
    o2bebre Posts: 2 Member
    Gosh sounds like everyone has comments which I have thought of! Lost 25kgs but in the last year 5kgs put on? Diet paleo so good esting but how thinking Menopause is a culprit. All blood test good! Exercise junkie but weight not coming off. Just a little frustrating.
  • HappyTrails7
    HappyTrails7 Posts: 878 Member
    I think you will find the MyFitnessPal community very supportive, I hope you enjoy your time here. :)

    If you are looking for an active 50+ year old support group, feel free to visit us.