Calorie counting question (splurges)

I have done Weight Watchers many times over the last 20+ years but I am ready to try something different so I decided to check out MFP. I am brand-new to calorie counting and I have a question about how to track splurges. One thing I always liked about WW was that I had those 49 extra points to use throughout the week on something special if i wanted to, all at once if that's what I chose.

So I don't understand how one does that when counting calories--how can you "bank" calories and save them for a splurge? Any info or advice would be very much appreciated.



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You have to pay attention to your weekly deficit. You can watch it in the app if you choose "nutrition" and then click "weekly". So you might do this by saving some exercise calories you burned with exercise, or eating 50-100 calories under for a day or two, assuming you have chosen an appropriate deficit, and meet your macros for the day-if that is important to you.

  • melodyinc2015
    melodyinc2015 Posts: 3 Member
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You have to pay attention to your weekly deficit. You can watch it in the app if you choose "nutrition" and then click "weekly". So you might do this by saving some exercise calories you burned with exercise, or eating 50-100 calories under for a day or two, assuming you have chosen an appropriate deficit, and meet your macros for the day-if that is important to you.
    What a good answer!
  • hollyberry6182
    hollyberry6182 Posts: 345 Member
    I find that if you look at it over a week, you can "bank" the calories you need to have a splurge. However, just make sure you are making better choices for your splurges too to ensure you are counteracting the higher intake. For example, i would go for a tomato based curry rather than a cream based one.

    I did weight watchers previously years ago and this is not much different except you have higher 'points' in the form of calories. Take your knowledge of looking at labels and ensure you are eating lower fat foods (i generally look at the per 100g column and will try to eat things which are under 5g of fat, but each person is different).

    Enjoy yourself and don't worry about the odd splurge. One meal isn't going to make a huge difference in weight gain, just as one healthy meal isn't going to make you thin. Just make healthy decisions for the rest of the time and don't make a habit of splurging every day. In the grand scheme of things, even if you gain a pound when on a splurge, that is only a dip in the water and it can be easily lost again the next week.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    You kind of have to find what works for you. I didn't bank, save or carry-over calories. I'd earn it via exercise, since when you move more, you eat more. If I knew I was going out for dinner, or wanted pizza, I'd hit the gym and earn it beforehand. Also, changing your relationship with food and learning that every now and then, it's not gonna kill you :-)
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You have to pay attention to your weekly deficit. You can watch it in the app if you choose "nutrition" and then click "weekly". So you might do this by saving some exercise calories you burned with exercise, or eating 50-100 calories under for a day or two, assuming you have chosen an appropriate deficit, and meet your macros for the day-if that is important to you.

    This. Especially pay attention to the bold.
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You have to pay attention to your weekly deficit. You can watch it in the app if you choose "nutrition" and then click "weekly". So you might do this by saving some exercise calories you burned with exercise, or eating 50-100 calories under for a day or two, assuming you have chosen an appropriate deficit, and meet your macros for the day-if that is important to you.

    Oh I am such a dork! I did not see the weekly option under the nutrition! Here I have been just adding them up myself! Thanks!
  • AlisonKTrader
    AlisonKTrader Posts: 56 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    I made an excel spread sheet for that issue years ago. It allows you to enter the calories you ate and burned, it will save or subtract calories so you know where yous stand on a weekly/daily basis. You can save up calories by eating less or exercising more. If you over eat one day, it will subtract calories from the next day.

    This makes me SMILE. I LOVE spread sheets! The nerd in me is doing a happy dance at seeing this.
  • I find that if you look at it over a week, you can "bank" the calories you need to have a splurge. However, just make sure you are making better choices for your splurges too to ensure you are counteracting the higher intake. For example, i would go for a tomato based curry rather than a cream based one.

    I did weight watchers previously years ago and this is not much different except you have higher 'points' in the form of calories. Take your knowledge of looking at labels and ensure you are eating lower fat foods (i generally look at the per 100g column and will try to eat things which are under 5g of fat, but each person is different).

    Enjoy yourself and don't worry about the odd splurge. One meal isn't going to make a huge difference in weight gain, just as one healthy meal isn't going to make you thin. Just make healthy decisions for the rest of the time and don't make a habit of splurging every day. In the grand scheme of things, even if you gain a pound when on a splurge, that is only a dip in the water and it can be easily lost again the next week.

    I'm sorry, but this (in bold) is very, very wrong. Fat is a much more important part of your diet than most give it credit for. Low fat foods often have the healthy, natural fat replaced with sugar. Fats are involved heavily in hormone regulation. A good rule is to get about your calories as follows 30% protein, 30% fat and 40% carbs.
    Obviously not all fats, or carbs, are created equally. Hydrogenated and trans fats are extremely bad as are carbs that rank high on the glycemic index (such as simple sugars).
    Calories in Vs Calories out is a good basis for any diet, but for a healthy diet you need to better understand your body and the food you put into it

    Other than that I completely agree with hollyberry
  • hollyberry6182
    hollyberry6182 Posts: 345 Member
    I hear what you are saying joker_cfh85. I did say that is what i look out for and other people are different. It is not like i eat low fat food constantly, i am also aware of the sugar contents in my foods. I am also aware of the different types of fat.
    Maybe i wasn't quite clear with that. I was relating this to my splurge eats, trying to make a more informed decision as when i splurge, i tend to eat more in the way of portion control. If i can make a decision of choosing something which is lower in fat, it could help still with the weight loss process.

    Sorry if that was misunderstood. You are right to bring up the importance of fat in our diets.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,470 Member
    If I want to splurge ... like I did tonight ... I exercise lots before. :)
  • Doe anyone know how to change my carbs to net carbs? I am new here.