Bad with patience

So I literally started my whole weight-loss-lets-get-fit thing last week. Now here's one thing about me- I have trouble with patience when I'm looking forward to something. I won't stop working for it- but I will get so frustrated waiting for it like crazy, even when I know it's going to take time. I know weight loss is DEF going to take LOTS of time- but I also know my annoying brain won't stop obsessing. I also know that's not helpful.
So any tips on NOT obsessing over the scale and the mirror? How to maintain my patience and not let my frustration/impatience get the best of me? Don't make fun of me, I'm barely a week in :# Thanks.


  • shapenerfiterratii
    shapenerfiterratii Posts: 111 Member
    So I literally started my whole weight-loss-lets-get-fit thing last week. Now here's one thing about me- I have trouble with patience when I'm looking forward to something. I won't stop working for it- but I will get so frustrated waiting for it like crazy, even when I know it's going to take time. I know weight loss is DEF going to take LOTS of time- but I also know my annoying brain won't stop obsessing. I also know that's not helpful.
    So any tips on NOT obsessing over the scale and the mirror? How to maintain my patience and not let my frustration/impatience get the best of me? Don't make fun of me, I'm barely a week in :# Thanks.
  • thisdamselflies
    thisdamselflies Posts: 92 Member
    I'm exactly the same way! I like to make smaller daily or weekly goals, that way I can satisfy my desire to get there already while working toward something bigger. Just don't let yourself get too satisfied with meeting the small goals.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Logic and fighting. Remind yourself that this takes time. Read up on the science, know your facts because facts help shut the brain up.
    If you are obsessing over something DO SOMETHING ELSE. Jumping jacks, knitting, if I'm in a meeting I'll pull apart and put back together my pen JUST to stay focused on something else. You're logic and will is stinger than your obsess