Lifting heavy ?

I see a lot on here about lifting heavy. For someone who has no idea where to start with this -
How heavy and how often ?

Where could I find a good routine please ?

Thankyou in advance.


  • mikevandewetering
    mikevandewetering Posts: 155 Member
    Try starting strength
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    Other suggestions: Strong Curves, New Rules of Lifting for Women, Nia Shanks (she also has a bunch of good stuff for free).
  • VickiLogan11
    VickiLogan11 Posts: 99 Member
    Thankyou both. I have just started strong curves but havnt progressed to the weights yet. On week 1. Thanks again.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I started with a program called Strong lifts 5X5. You will be amazed at how strong you will get in a short amount of time.
  • Joker_CFH85
    If you haven't lifted much, or at all before, I wouldn't worry too much about the program.
    Focus on form about everything else. Lifting has serious benefits, but you could easily and seriously hurt yourself.
    Watch videos on correct form (especially for exercises involving your shoulders... ie pretty much everything upper body).
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited April 2015
    I agree that you should spend a good amount of time learning form for all the lifts. I've been lifting for 15 years now, and I'm still totally checking my form all the time, and not taking any risks. I started with Fit For Life then new rules of lifting for women, but my favourite is Strong Curves, I tailor things so my body stays feminine, ie not doing massive weights in my upper half so much and concentrating on deads, hip thrusts and squats. I cycle and run so my quads are already large.
  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    I like All pro body workout. Being doing it a year and its transformed my body. Good luck
  • VickiLogan11
    VickiLogan11 Posts: 99 Member
    Thankyou all. Very helpful replies.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm doing Stronglifts. I liked it because there was a lot of info (including videos) on proper form and the app is super user friendly.
  • GymBard
    GymBard Posts: 29 Member
    Weight maintenance with strength training...heavy, compound exercises is the way to go. Gotta second that starting strength recommendation from Mike bc lifting safe is paramount and Rippetoe teaches technique. A good reading reference with humor is The New Rules of Lifting by Alwyn Cosgrove and Lou Schuler. Great stuff!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    gemmamummy wrote: »
    I like All pro body workout. Being doing it a year and its transformed my body. Good luck

    Another vote for All Pro here.

    I like it better than the other programs because the weight progression isn't as aggressive as some, and it's simpler than NROLFW.

    I probably watched hundreds of form videos before I ever picked up a barbell.
  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    I'd like to add another vote for All Pro. I've only been doing it since last November but am progressing with it nicely, increased my weights every cycle so far, and definitely feeling stronger.
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    I started by approaching a olympic lifting coach. Before that I just walked in to a gym and downloaded a lifting app which shows all the correct movement and went from there
  • MsSquatAlot
    MsSquatAlot Posts: 238 Member
    If you haven't lifted much, or at all before, I wouldn't worry too much about the program.
    Focus on form about everything else. Lifting has serious benefits, but you could easily and seriously hurt yourself.
    Watch videos on correct form (especially for exercises involving your shoulders... ie pretty much everything upper body).

    FORM FORM FORM!!!! Yes!!

  • bandito30646
    also try Lee Labrada's Lean Body Trainer. free program ( among others ) at
    I lost 23 lbs first 12 week session
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    starting strength, new rules of lifting for woman, or strong lifts are all a great place to start...

    check youtube for proper form on compound movements = deadlifts, squats, barbell bench press, etc
  • rdlewis123
    rdlewis123 Posts: 106 Member
    I follow the New Rules of Lifting for Women as well, but I have been strength training for over a year. If you are just starting, begin with body weight exercises like squats, pushups (I started those on the wall), lunges, etc. When you do move to actual weights it is imperative to learn good form! Bad form will cause injury and injury slows your progress! If you can swing it, find a good personal trainer for about 4 sessions to learn the form to use.