Has anyone lost weight with walking as their only exercise?



  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    I've slowly recomped last 3 months with hilly, brisk, LONG walks as main exercise. I'd guesstimate the average "incline" of my uphill walk as somewhere around 7%. It's done wonders for both my stamina and strength in other forms of exercise.

    OP: Start slowly and add on time and pace as you progress. I started with 20 minutes downhill, 1x a week.
  • OldHobo
    OldHobo Posts: 647 Member
    I joined mfp last year and lost 15 lbs in a month with walking as only exercise. I stopped logging onto mfp because listing the foods took so long and then, without the motivation you get here, I stopped walking. Gained 15 plus 15 more. Now I'm starting over. Just ordered a treadmill from Amazon.
  • smilehard123
    smilehard123 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys if i walk 7miles aday will i lose something...like arould 2 pounds aweek...
  • Hey guys if i walk 7miles aday will i lose something...like arould 2 pounds aweek...

    Possibly more than that but you would have to adjust your calories accordingly. The reason is that the more weight you lose the less calories you will need to maintain. On the other hand you can walk a million miles a day but if you eat more calories than you burn then you will put weight on. Remember it is calories in vs calories out.

    Stay healthy, stay focused and best of luck with your goals.
  • maisie981
    maisie981 Posts: 25 Member
    Walking and stretching and toning is all I can do too.
    Just started out on this app it's very motivating x
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    I used to walk a lot as part of my daily commute and I lost a ton of weight. I of course regained all of it when my lifestyle changed and I stopped walking without changing the way I ate. This has happened to me multiple times. Sigh. Why do we need to relearn the same lessons again and again?
  • carly_pear
    carly_pear Posts: 65 Member
    All I have done is walking, 30-60 minutes, 5 days a week, and healthy eating. 89lbs lost. It's a slow process, but it's what worked for me.
  • iredale7
    iredale7 Posts: 1 Member
    I about an hour every other day to help lose weight. To help burn extra calories and help tone my legs most of the time if walking outside I will make a point of walking up hills or if I am at the gym walking on the treadmill on a steep incline. Hope this tip helps.
  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member
    Yup, I lost almost 60 lbs last year by walking. Walking about 95% and swimming etc the other 5% during the summer months. I own a Fitbit One and wear it almost 24/7.
  • lisele03
    lisele03 Posts: 133 Member
    SKME2013 wrote: »
    Vinjol03 wrote: »
    Hello all
    I started walking as my main excercise last month. I currently weigh 90kg and 5.2 in height. I need to reduce to 60kg. I can only manage 2.6 speed at moment but compensate by walking 5 miles. T do tae bo for 10 minutes on my rest days.
    Any suggestions on how I can increase my speed?

    Vary your speed. You can set yourself little goals, by walking as fast as you can for a minute and then walk normally for the next. ...

    ^This. I vary my speed by walking to the beat of music. I made 3 playlists: warmup (slow), medium (~3.2mph) and fast (~3.5+). I can switch to fast for songs I like and I can stay motivated to just get to the end of the song! Good luck!
  • tziol
    tziol Posts: 206 Member
    Everything is down to calorie consumption, so you can even sit and do nothing and still be losing weight assuming that you are on calorie deficit. But it's an advantage for you if you do exercises, because you improve cardio endurance, strength, tone-up your body, improve health in general etc. depending what sort of exercises you do and how regular. So the answer is yes, you can lose weight while only walking, but if you will be consuming more than you burn (no matter how long and fast you walk) and will be always above your calorie maintenance level, then you won't be losing weight but gaining weight.
  • chrissyfitter
    chrissyfitter Posts: 67 Member
    I walk between 2 and 4 miles a day. I've lost 6 lb in a month.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I used to only walk as exercise and with controlled calorie count for diet I lost weight. Now that I am smaller I still walk but it doesn't get my heart rate up enough even fast walking to burn as much calories.
    I am thinking of stopping my gym membership for the summer since I hate working out inside when it is so nice outside. I thought about just walking and then using my bike to get my exercise along with all the yard work and push mowing I do too. I haven't decided what to do yet though.
    Good luck!
    If it is bad outside, you can use the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds dvds to walk to inside in your house on level ground. I used to do those all the time at 5am in my PJs for the last 5 to 7 years or so and we used to do them at my office during our lunch hour too.
    I try to get a 1-2 mile plus walk in during my lunch hour in about 20 to 30 minutes outside now when the weather is good around my office area.
  • zc020587
    zc020587 Posts: 7
    I lost a bit over 7kgs in the past month (I was 84kgs and last time I weighed in at 76.9kgs) from just walking (and some squats). So in 4 weeks I lost 7kgs just walking and eating healthy. My energy levels are up and I feel great. I now do 2 hours of walking (treadmill) and love it. I can see I'm losing the fat and hope you'll get the same results or even better than I did. Good luck