MaryCS62 Posts: 266 Member
So, I bought a vegetti a few weeks ago, finally got around to buying a few zucchini to try it on. First one, I just used to supplement my macaroni, so I could have a smaller serving. Last night, I stir fried it with some garlic & dried basil. Ate half with my dinner, took half today to have with my lunch. Added a laughing cow garlic & herb wedge -- soooo good!! I might do that again & throw in some eggs/eggbeaters for a frittata.


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I like it too. Only issue is that it seems to go from raw to mushy, lol. I bought more zucchini for this week though!
  • queenb4495
    I made "spaghetti" last wk. The trick is to cook it aldente like regular spaghetti. I don't like my zoodle too mushy :#