My Fitbit says I "burned" 1400 calories the first time I put it on. How does this work?

i just got a Fitbit charge HR and I'm confused about how the calories are working! It already said I burned a little over 1400 calories the very first time I put it on about an hour ago. I went for a run and now it says I've burned 1800 but it also says I'm "over" 480. I ate 1600 today and I weigh 155 and my goal is 140. I'm a 5'10" 24 yo female. Can someone explain this to me? Thank you so much!!


  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    It also calculates the calories burnt by doing sfa during the day.
    So if you were to lay in bed all day it would still have calories burnt and the mfp adjustments are based on steps you've done over your set activity level.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    All of these tools (toys) are based on estimates and assumptions. In some cases, you'll match some or all of them, other times, not at all. So, use it as a guideline. The true benefit of a fitbit is that it gets you to thinking about moving more. Check your results over time and tweak when you need to.

  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    So as it has been said, the fitbit will tell you how many calories you have burned each day, without any activity. It will then calculate (based on averages and guidelines) how much more you are burning with activity (steps and logged activity). So say you lay in bed all day and had less than 1,000 steps. It might say you burned about 2,000 calories (for example) that day. Another day you might have gotten 10,000 steps, and went to the gym. It might then say that you burned 3,000 calories that day (for example). As the day goes on, it will tell you where you are so far in that day. So at noon it might read you having burned 1,000 and by 5pm it might say 1,500.

    I don't pay any attention to their meal plan, but I have it synced to mfp, and mfp set to sedentary so my fitbit will then just add calories as it needs to. That usually means I have a large amount of exercise calories, but I find it is quite accurate for me.

    Hopefully that helps. :)
  • rexroars
    rexroars Posts: 131 Member
    Thank you all!! This helps so much :) I'm just used to the way myfitnesspal works so I wrongly assumed Fitbit would be exactly the same format haha :)
  • bulk_n_cut
    bulk_n_cut Posts: 389 Member
    daaamn, youre just superwoman
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Like they said above, it is estimating how many calories you've burned that day. It obviously doesn't have your full days worth of steps so it's estimating.

    Wear it the full day tomorrow to get a better idea. It shows total calories burned.

    So, if you are burning 1800 calories a day and eating 1600 you have a deficit of 200 calories.