I'm Krystal

Charmed7103 Posts: 1
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hello I'm Krystal and i'm trying to lose alot of weight.
i've been a big girl all my life but i don't like the weight i'm at now.
so i'm trying to lose it.
i don't really wanna be skinny or anything like that.
like i said i've always been a big girl i just want to get back down to a certain weight where i'm comfortable.
I'm also doing this for my wonderful son.
i want to be able to do more stuff with him without having to stop cuz i'm hurting or can't breath.


  • Beautiful_Fury
    Beautiful_Fury Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Krystal...

    I can completely relate to you.. I too have been heavy all my life.. Thankfully I have made some progress and now I'm kind of stuck.. I just joined here a few days ago and really like the site.. I'm looking to add people and make new friends who I can help encourage and vice versa..

    Good luck to you on your journey.. Anything is possible once you set your mind to it..

    Take care,

    P.S. I've sent you a freind request :o)
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