Abs. I want them never seen them yet!

anyone have any advice other than diet to achieve this cut look in after I've lost a stone and a quarter need to lose another 1/34 it's not budging anymore


  • cleaver1
    cleaver1 Posts: 37 Member
    I feel your pain mate! I'm just about seeing my top two now and it's hard work. I would say, unfortunately, it's 80-90% diet 10-20% exercise. Make sure your diet is squeaky clean, your cardio is up and you're creating a good deficit. Try some
    HIIT training alongside your diet, I find that helps me.
  • melissacurry04
    melissacurry04 Posts: 34 Member
    Hit training, body resistance training, planks, leg lifts, Google some other exercises, raw brahs are some good guys to watch their habbits, and drinking plenty of water.