Question about logging exercise ....

kjwilkins Posts: 6 Member
edited April 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Ive recently started using MFP again and notice a lot of good updates. In terms of logging exercise- if my steps are automatically logged, do I still log my exercise time for walking under cardio or does this give me too much calorie credit? (The only time I log exercise is when I complete a dedicated exercise session)


  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I am assuming that your steps are automatically logged with a fitbit or something similar. With fitbit, when you log cardio exercise MFP ignores all data except step count for the time period you are exercising, so you will not be double counting. It is then your discretion if you want to log your walking workouts. I log my runs since I use a HRM and trust that calorie burn over the fitbit calorie burn. I imagine with walking the difference wouldn't really be as noticeable.
  • kjwilkins
    kjwilkins Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for the response. I checked my MFP profile to see how it is tracking my steps (bc it started doing it automatically) and it indicates that it is tracking through my iPhone's motion processor.