Food/work out for flat belly

I don't know if this is the correct category to ask this, but here goes. What foods/exercises can help reduce bloating and have a flat belly? also, what workouts can I do to build muscle in my tummy? I'm not aiming for abs, I just want a flat stomach.
I eat generally healthy and this past week I have been drinking more water, and eating less salt. I believe salt is my culprit with the bloated stomach so I'm waiting to see if less salt/no salt diet helps.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    You can't spot reduce. Just eat in a calorie deficit and lift heavy, and the fat will come off when it wants to.
  • MuayThaiMaMa1
    MuayThaiMaMa1 Posts: 37 Member
    Reducing sodium will probably help. The thing that helped me reduce my stomach the most was cardio. Doing a lot of running. However, it reduced other things as well like my chest.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    High sodium leads to bloating as it causes you to retain water. Carbonated things can bloat you with gas; things with a lot of indigestible fiber can bloat you with gas. You do need that fiber though, just don't go overboard with the indigestible roughage. Large amounts of carbs can make you retain water, so be moderate with them. For a flat belly I have had the best luck with planks. You can find lots of youtubes on good form and varieties of planks. Also be sure to have good posture sitting and standing; bad posture pooches your belly out. You won't have to worry about your actual ab muscles showing until/unless you have fairly low body fat. If you have like 20-25% you'll look pretty smooth.