Oatmeal and Other Fast Breakfasts



  • OldHobo
    OldHobo Posts: 647 Member
    hbarnesccs wrote: »
    Hey MFP!!

    Here's my problem. I want to like oatmeal. I want to like it so much. But the texture just sickens me to think about! How do you guys like your oatmeal? I'm wanting to try new ways or combos, but right now... eh.
    I'm a teacher, so my days start very early and end very late. ...
    I think you need to try steel cut oats. That wallpaper paste texture disgusts me too and betwixt the texture and the taste I had to add ungodly amounts of brown sugar to get the stuff down. The difference between steel cut and any kind of rolled oats is night and day. Not only is the texture completely different but the flavor is too. I usually just sweeten it with some raisins. I didn't believe it until I tried it myself. It does take about 30 minutes but you don't have to stand over it while it cooks. Start it when you first get up and it will probably be ready before your lipstick is on. You can speed up the cooking a little by soaking it overnight. Try it on weekends first so you can get down the timing and know exactly where to position your stove dial. It will boil over if its covered and the temp is too high and, of course, never boil milk unattended. Some folks start in a crock pot the night before but that's too much trouble for me. I've heard others say they cook a weeks worth over the weekend.
    Anyway good luck, good health and enjoy what you put in your mouth.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't like overnight oats but cooking my oats with almond milk has completely changed the way I feel about them. I really love them now (it's just regular unsweetened almond milk).

    Couple easy breakfast are breakfast burritos (I microwave a scrambled egg and sausages, add some cheese and it's good to go) and an English muffin with ricotta and honey, or nut butter.

    Something very filling to me if you have time to fry two eggs is just two fried eggs with a serving of refriend beans.
  • Kate5283kate
    Kate5283kate Posts: 87 Member
    Don't know if you definitely want oatmeal or a hot breakfast, but I really, really like the Whole Foods or Trader Joe's store brand high protein cereals. I think they taste much better than Kashi. They come in plain, berry & flax, and honey & almond. I add a cup of milk. I also have about 50g of mixed berries in them every morning. I keep a big bag of Welch's frozen mixed berries in the freezer and pour some in a bowl that I stuck in the fridge the night before. They thaw overnight and the squishyness is actually really good mixed into the cereal.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member


    I make it on Sundays (a half batch), then eat a portion each day (I'm a teacher too and I am usually full most of the morning)! The combo of steal cut oats and old fashioned makes it a very different texture. Just reheat it with a bit of milk!

    PLUS, you can play around with the fruit; I have recently been eating peaches in it instead of apples, plus some nutmeg and extra cinnamon (and no maple syrup); it is like starting each day with peach pie! The peach recipe is only 178 calories for 1/12 of the linked recipe with above modifications!
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    edited April 2015
    I LOVE eggbeaters cooked in a mug. I cook half a cup of egg beaters for a minute, stir and then usually another 30 seconds. Use a large mug or they'll end up over the top. I nuke one of those frozen precooked sausage links for 30 seconds and then cut that up and add it along with half an ounce of cheese. Stir it all together and you have a very easy omelet of sorts.

    Edited to add: steel cut oats are awesome! I hated oatmeal most of my life, then had steel cut oats and completely changed my mind. I don't eat them often as I have trouble making it fit with my macros, but I do like it now.
  • OldHobo
    OldHobo Posts: 647 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Something very filling to me if you have time to fry two eggs is just two fried eggs with a serving of refriend beans.

    Which reminds me of Huevos Rancheros. This can be a real quick healthy breakfast that will stick to your ribs 'til lunch. Set back a little filling next taco night. Put the taco filling, some refried beans and a fried egg over one or two corn tortillas. Top with Ranchero sauce, a reasonable facsimile of which can be made with equal parts Ragu type spaghetti sauce and Pace type salsa.
  • hbarnesccs
    hbarnesccs Posts: 59 Member
    Gosh, thank you all! Some great ideas and some really good suggestions for playing around with oatmeal.

    I love the breakfast burrito idea. I have some deer sausage in the freezer now - sounds like it would be perfect to throw in there. Wish I could add the beans, too, but I have had Ulcerative Colitis for 10 years and they do not sit well with me at all.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Is there any reason why you dont use milk? Imo much nicer. the oatmeal tends to be the base and you make it interesting by all the stuff you cna add, be it peanut butter, apple and cinammon, golden syrup, seeds etc. O never at that ich of it before, but its soemthing I will continue with after, complex carbs and slow energy release plus a good fibre bonus.
  • cvandenbraak
    cvandenbraak Posts: 7 Member
    Try Smart ones Frozen oatmeal, they are much better. Just a few minutes in microwave. I added fruit to mine.
  • OldHobo
    OldHobo Posts: 647 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Is there any reason why you dont use milk? Imo much nicer. the oatmeal tends to be the base and you make it interesting by all the stuff you cna add, be it peanut butter, apple and cinammon, golden syrup, seeds etc. O never at that ich of it before, but its soemthing I will continue with after, complex carbs and slow energy release plus a good fibre bonus.
    I think milk is great but my post mostly addressed the op's time issue and you can't leave milk boiling or even simmering unattended without risking fire or at least a heckofamess. Steel cut oats, if lidded, seem to have a tendency to boil over anyway, even with water. Also I agree that the oats become a delivery system for whatever good stuff you feel like putting in there. Certainly ,as you say, peanut butter, but how 'bout peanut butter chocolate chip, or peanut butter banana, strawberry banana, vanilla banana...with wafers and milk added off heat or even chipotle mango. What I said about just adding raisins wasn't intended to limit the possibilities, but make the point that a lot of sugar isn't necessary.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm anti-oatmeal. I like it but I find it is not filling and I don't like spending my morning farting around with add-ins to create some 500 calorie bowl of mush that will leave me hungry in approximately 23 minutes.

    Quest bar.
  • s2Mango
    s2Mango Posts: 44 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Refrigerator or overnight oatmeal.
    I simply use regular yogurt instead of greek yogurt and milk. I use less oats and more yogurt.
    Oh my, that sounds delicious! Thank you for posting this!

  • healthyfitme12
    healthyfitme12 Posts: 50 Member
    Try soaking Chia seeds in almond/coconut milk overnight, it's so good, it's high in protein and fiber! You could even add some fruit to it also.
  • goddessheatherr
    goddessheatherr Posts: 38 Member
    I eat Bob's Red Mill, Quick Cooking Oats, Gluten Free. I do 1/2c dried oats, 1/2 c water + 1/2c milk OR 1 c water, sprinkle cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of honey. 3 minutes in the microwave. I prep this on Sunday for three days and put the individual containers in the fridge. I always add a fruit. Either a banana, diced apple or cut up strawberries from the night before so the flavor is perfect. I work out before eating it every morning and it fills me up for almost 4 hours!
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Is oatmeal porridge?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @megomerrett yes, oatmeal can be made in to porridge. I think porridge is the generic term for soft cooked grains.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    edited April 2015
    Baked oatmeal, oatmeal "cookie" I think we're mentioned above. You can also grind oatmeal and use as a flour to bake whatever you like. Easy way to get the nutrition without the texture. Chocolate covered Katie has some great baked oatmeal recipes you can make ahead of time.

    Quick breakfast: put a few egg whites in a pan. Top with thawed frozen veggies and a sprinkle of parmesan-let cook on low while you get ready. Set a timer for 7-10 minutes, flip and turn off the heat. Voila! Easy omelette. I do this all the time. Even if you overcook it it still tastes awesome.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Thanks @jgnatca - I'm in the UK and "porridge" in the shops is nearly always "porridge oats" which I'm guessing is what is called "oatmeal" in the USA. t1scsc4b1z3a.jpg
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    Personally, I love oatmeal. I only use the old fashioned oats or steel cut oats. I make my oatmeal with milk, it comes out creamier and have found a recipe for overnight steel cut oats that is very good and lasts for up to two weeks. I add Greek yogurt, a little honey or maple syrup, and fruit. It's good hot or cold. There are also many recipes for overnight or summer oatmeal that is very good as well.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I eat instant oatmeal. It's full of sugar and not nearly as good for me as the proper stuff would be. But heck, it's so easy to grab n' go and make it in ten seconds when I get to the office, and it keeps me feeling full all morning. I like the Quaker raisins and spice one with extra fiber, it's yummy.