100+lbs to lose and I will succeed!! let's be friends and motivate each other :)

kmtzts Posts: 18 Member
Hi! I'm Kimberly. I'm 25 years old and mother to an amazing little boy Zayne. I've been overweight just about my whole life. I've tried throughout my life to lose weight and have been unsuccessful. Sunday night I weighed in at 293lbs. I'm 5'6 tall. I'm determined this time to lose weight and gain a new healthier lifestyle and outlook.! Let's be friends and keep each other motivated. :) add me!


  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    You can do this. Take one day at a time and before you know it you'll be at goal. I lost 100 pounds in a year on mfp. I was 277 and 5' 8".
  • kmtzts
    kmtzts Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you! You're very inspiring! Did you follow a certain diet or just stayed under your calorie goal on here?
  • neschamarie
    neschamarie Posts: 8 Member
    You can do it :) I was 313 at my recent highest (about a year ago), restarted my weight loss efforts at the end of
    January this year at 285, and tonight I'm 248! 5'5 also so we're probably similarly built.
  • kmtzts
    kmtzts Posts: 18 Member
    That's awesome! You've lost almost 40 lbs in less than 3 months? Very inspiring! I'd love to know more about your diet and excerise routine.
  • neschamarie
    neschamarie Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah it's been crazy! My food diary is public, I'm not always the best with logging but it will give you an idea. I eat a lot of chicken! I have a Polar Fitness heart rate monitor/watch combo that I love. It tells me my calories burned based on my weight/height/heart rate. It constantly pushes me to go for x more calories burned, great motivator for me. AND my food scale. Actually seeing what 3oz of chicken looks like, or weighing out my bowl of frozen fruit for a snack has been crucial I think. It's easy to underestimate the amounts we eat and then wonder why we aren't losing weight if we're eating "right." To an extent that's true but it's all about calories in vs. calories out. To me 1 calorie is 1 calorie, whether it's a carrot or chocolate. Of course the carrot will be better for me, but either way I'm consuming calories and the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than I eat.

    At the gym I rotate days: legs/butt/abs, chest/triceps, back/biceps/shoulders, and repeat. I try and do at least 30 mins of cardio a day with my heart rate up. Some days I workout two or three times: I may go to the gym for an hr in the morning and do all cardio, walk to pick up my daughter from school (about 1.5mi total), and then hit the gym in the evening with my fiance to lift weights. Lifting has been crucial for me, too. It's totally shaping my body and making me stronger! A lot of girls think weights will make them bulky and man-ish but that's not true at all unless that's what you're trying for (and that takes a loooot of work lol)

    Sorry for the novel...I've kind of made this lifestyle....my life! And it's working! :)
  • aussie_girl_del_runner_5
    Hi Kimberly; I just sent you a friend request. I am on track to lose 36kgs by Christmas (lost 10kgs since Jan). For exercise I walk for 30-40mins in my lunch break and then again for about an hour when I get home however start slow until you work out what you like doing. As for food, have a look at my diary (except Easter please :smile: ) I basically do prep on the weekends so I can pull out healthy meals during the week. My husband is loving the new food (and new wife :smiley: )
  • kmtzts
    kmtzts Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for the details. I think the same about 1 calorie being 1 calorie wetger carrots or chocolate. I'm glad to know you've have managed to lose weight with that mind frame. Don't get me wrong, I plan on eating healthier, but nice to know I can still get fast food from time to time as long as I still stay under my calories. And I just joined a gym today. :)
  • itztoeknee
    itztoeknee Posts: 1 Member
    Good job Kimberly. You are on your way. I'm Toni, 52 years young. At my heaviest, I was 313 at 5'2. I'm diabetic and have been ignoring my disease for the last Seven years. I'm on new meds to help lower my blood sugar and going to the Y(gym) 5 to 6 days a week. I started by going to the pool twice a week the first part of Febuary, and now nearly every day. I'm hovering around216...I have close to 100 lbs to lose to be healthy. I'm using this app along with a diabetic app, this is forcing me to me honest to me. I watch my carbs and hope my legs don't fail me! Ha
  • kmtzts
    kmtzts Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Kimberly; I just sent you a friend request. I am on track to lose 36kgs by Christmas (lost 10kgs since Jan). For exercise I walk for 30-40mins in my lunch break and then again for about an hour when I get home however start slow until you work out what you like doing. As for food, have a look at my diary (except Easter please :smile: ) I basically do prep on the weekends so I can pull out healthy meals during the week. My husband is loving the new food (and new wife :smiley: )

    Thanks for adding me! I'll definitely check out your dairy. Can't wait to see your further progress! :)
  • neschamarie
    neschamarie Posts: 8 Member
    I definitely still indulge at times. I think I've boosted my metabolism at this point. I had a pretty indulgey week last week (and 4 days of no workouts) and still lost 2.4lbs over the last couple days. Carbs and sugar everywhere! Tome the most important thing to remember is if you don't allow yourself some wiggle room, you'll get frustrated and give up, or binge on "bad" foods. If I wanna eat some candy or cake or pizza *kitten* yeah I'm gonna do it-just a normal serving and not the whole pizza or bag of candy or 3 slices of cake. Like pizza, now we'll get one from a take-n-bake place, thin crust, whatever sauce is the least caloric/fattening, and load it up with chicken and veggies. 1 slice works out to around 250 cals where we go, so 2 slices for a dinner isn't too bad for me. I'll budget my breakfast/lunch/snack calories accordingly that day so it fits my macros. Or I'll go beastmode at the gym and burn over 1000 cals and it won't matter :)

    Good job joining the gym! The hardest part is getting started!
  • kmtzts
    kmtzts Posts: 18 Member
    itztoeknee wrote: »
    Good job Kimberly. You are on your way. I'm Toni, 52 years young. At my heaviest, I was 313 at 5'2. I'm diabetic and have been ignoring my disease for the last Seven years. I'm on new meds to help lower my blood sugar and going to the Y(gym) 5 to 6 days a week. I started by going to the pool twice a week the first part of Febuary, and now nearly every day. I'm hovering around216...I have close to 100 lbs to lose to be healthy. I'm using this app along with a diabetic app, this is forcing me to me honest to me. I watch my carbs and hope my legs don't fail me! Ha
    Wow! Congrats on the weight loss so far! That's an impressive amount and you should be proud. And its great you're trying to get healthy now. You got this!
  • kmtzts
    kmtzts Posts: 18 Member
    I definitely still indulge at times. I think I've boosted my metabolism at this point. I had a pretty indulgey week last week (and 4 days of no workouts) and still lost 2.4lbs over the last couple days. Carbs and sugar everywhere! Tome the most important thing to remember is if you don't allow yourself some wiggle room, you'll get frustrated and give up, or binge on "bad" foods. If I wanna eat some candy or cake or pizza *kitten* yeah I'm gonna do it-just a normal serving and not the whole pizza or bag of candy or 3 slices of cake. Like pizza, now we'll get one from a take-n-bake place, thin crust, whatever sauce is the least caloric/fattening, and load it up with chicken and veggies. 1 slice works out to around 250 cals where we go, so 2 slices for a dinner isn't too bad for me. I'll budget my breakfast/lunch/snack calories accordingly that day so it fits my macros. Or I'll go beastmode at the gym and burn over 1000 cals and it won't matter :)
    Portion control is something I've never been good at, but am learning. Tracking the calories and seeing actual portion sizes is helping. And I'm super stoked about the gym. I enjoy working out and I go hard! :p

    Good job joining the gym! The hardest part is getting started!

  • kmtzts
    kmtzts Posts: 18 Member
    Didn't mean to write inside the qouted text. Sorry neschamarie!
  • jacquirich
    jacquirich Posts: 105 Member
    I too have 100lb to lose
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Hi there! I started out at 268 (5'4) and lost 123 pounds. I have been maintaining now for over a year. My husband has lost 137 pounds and is still going. I'll share with you what we learned.
    1. Weight loss is all about the correct caloric deficit. Eat less than your body burns and you will lose weight.
    2. Exercise is important for health and toning, but is not strictly neceaary for weight loss. Cardio is good, but weight lifting is even better.
    3. Do what works best for you. In other words, eat in a way that you can do for the long haul. If you dont see youself eating low carb, or paleo or whatever for the rest of your life, then I dont recommend doing it. Any type of plan will work as long as your eating the right amount of calories.
    4. Be honest and count every bite. If you dont have a food scale, get one. Weigh and measure everything.
    5. You will lose some motivation after a while. Thats ok. You dont have to have it all the time. the trick is to continue whether you feel like it or not.
    6. When you have a ton to lose, it can seem overwhelming. It helped me to have small goals. I celebrated every time I lost ten pounds. Just remember when it seems like it will take forever, time is going to pass either way.
    7. There will be times, when you will mess up and have a bad day or days. Forgive yourself, shrug it off and move on. It happens to us all, and you cannt fail if you push forward.
    I hope this helps!
  • kmtzts
    kmtzts Posts: 18 Member
    I sent you a request! We can do this!! :D
  • kmtzts
    kmtzts Posts: 18 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    Hi there! I started out at 268 (5'4) and lost 123 pounds. I have been maintaining now for over a year. My husband has lost 137 pounds and is still going. I'll share with you what we learned.
    1. Weight loss is all about the correct caloric deficit. Eat less than your body burns and you will lose weight.
    2. Exercise is important for health and toning, but is not strictly neceaary for weight loss. Cardio is good, but weight lifting is even better.
    3. Do what works best for you. In other words, eat in a way that you can do for the long haul. If you dont see youself eating low carb, or paleo or whatever for the rest of your life, then I dont recommend doing it. Any type of plan will work as long as your eating the right amount of calories.
    4. Be honest and count every bite. If you dont have a food scale, get one. Weigh and measure everything.
    5. You will lose some motivation after a while. Thats ok. You dont have to have it all the time. the trick is to continue whether you feel like it or not.
    6. When you have a ton to lose, it can seem overwhelming. It helped me to have small goals. I celebrated every time I lost ten pounds. Just remember when it seems like it will take forever, time is going to pass either way.
    7. There will be times, when you will mess up and have a bad day or days. Forgive yourself, shrug it off and move on. It happens to us all, and you cannt fail if you push forward.
    I hope this helps!

    So helpful! Thank you! And congrats to you and your husband on your weight loss! My bf started this journey with me, so we're also motivating each other. :)
  • GreenHeather2014
    GreenHeather2014 Posts: 74 Member
    I got fat while being married to a chronically fat person. Even worse - I put on 80 lbs going through the divorce. I now have 100 lbs to lose to be a healthy weight again. I've also gone back to school, and all that sitting and studying doesn't help! I've made it to the gym 2 days in a row, and I'm super sore right now, but it's worth it. You can do it! If I can make it to the gym again tonight, I'll be delighted.
  • margie_2015
    margie_2015 Posts: 23 Member
    Wishing you the best.. You can do this! Feel free to add me!
  • kamellabuggy
    kamellabuggy Posts: 1 Member
    I requested you as I am too just starting as of last month on march 17th and my starting weight was 256 and I am now 248 but I have not been taking the calorie counting serious and just exercising and now I haven't lost in two weeks so I am going to stick to my calories and go get a diet scale tonight.