Not losing and frustrated

hi i been logging for 24 days or so but cutting calories before then. I am exercising pretty much daily. The scale is not moving evem a bit! I have had wt loss surgery 5 yrs ago and gained back so starting back on track. I started yesterday on jumpstart program back to 4x daily protein shakes. Any suggestions will be helpful!


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Are you weighing everything you eat? Do you eat back your exercise calories? Can you open your diary so we can give more specific advice?
  • kory1969
    kory1969 Posts: 11 Member
    No I don't eat back my calories due to having wt loss surgery
  • kory1969
    kory1969 Posts: 11 Member
    I think I did makey diary public
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Just had a look at your diary, you're on 1000 calories a day? Is that recommended by your doctor?

    And it looks like a lot of things are measured in cups. Definitely get a food scale and weigh in grams, you may be eating a lot more than you think.
  • kory1969
    kory1969 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes it's due to wt loss surgery. Will take your advice and weigh more
  • kory1969
    kory1969 Posts: 11 Member
    Also using this app wanted to know if you eat back your exercise calories or leave as deficit to lose?
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    kory1969 wrote: »
    Also using this app wanted to know if you eat back your exercise calories or leave as deficit to lose?

    If you're using this app then the deficit is already built in, so it's designed for you to eat back your exercise calories. But if you're going by a calorie goal recommended by your doctor then really should ask him/her as we don't really know enough about you.
  • kory1969
    kory1969 Posts: 11 Member
    Ok thanks for all your help!
  • LacednLace
    LacednLace Posts: 480 Member
    On top of double checking your food diary for specific measurements check your protein vs carbs vs healthy fats. I noticed you mentioned several protein shakes a day, keep in mind you still need some carbs for your body. Make sure to get plenty of water. Its actually proven that a deficit of water or being dehydrated decreases the effectiveness of your workouts and nutritional efforts. And if you're doing cardio vs strength training makes a difference as well. Strength training generally builds muscle and muscle weighs more than fat while taking up less space. Have you considered checking your body fat difference not just the weight on the scale? Good luck!
  • grandma107
    grandma107 Posts: 70 Member
    LacednLace wrote: »
    .....Strength training generally builds muscle and muscle weighs more than fat while taking up less space.

    While muscle does take less body mass, a pound of fat vs. a pound of muscle is still a pound. Blessings.
  • kory1969
    kory1969 Posts: 11 Member
  • LacednLace
    LacednLace Posts: 480 Member
    Sorry it was into the end of a 12hr shift when I typed. It supposed to say that body fat takes up less space than fat but if you're building muscle and loosing fat than its possible you've replaced the lost weight with gained muscle thus leaving the scale in the same number range. Focus on how you feel and how things are fitting as well as the body fat percentage instead of just the numbers on the scale, they can be very deceiving. Good Luck.
  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    I'm not trying to be rude, but your nutrition is terrible.

    You need to eat healthy, not sh**.

    Try cutting out or limiting the terrible protein shakes (I have one bar split before and after my workout on lifting days). Generally they are not good nutrition.

    Quit starving yourself. Eat small meals or snacks every 2.5-3 hours. Veggies and / or protein are good ones.
  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    I looked back further in your diary and have some more thoughts.

    I do not believe you are logging everything you eat. Also, some of the things entered are not accurate. I know first hand that MFP can give you incorrect information that must be verified. I saw one day where you had two entries for the same thing in one day but they were much different values. You gotta watch this with MFP.

    Some days in the weeks past were not good... fast food, carbs, etc. This was also where I saw missed entries for meals etc. One day you starved yourself on BS like 10 crackers for a meal and then understandably gorged at night.

    Feel free to friend me or message me. Just so much wrong here.

    Good luck! Hang in there.

  • KishaO
    KishaO Posts: 17 Member
    Kory... I had weight loss surgery too and gained the weight back. I too am struggling. If you like we can motivate each other.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Why is your calorie goal so low?

    Do you weigh your food?

    Where do you get your exercise burns from?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'm not trying to be rude, but your nutrition is terrible.

    You need to eat healthy, not sh**.

    Try cutting out or limiting the terrible protein shakes (I have one bar split before and after my workout on lifting days). Generally they are not good nutrition.

    Quit starving yourself. Eat small meals or snacks every 2.5-3 hours. Veggies and / or protein are good ones.

    This has nothing to do with weight loss. It's calories in/calories out for weight loss, macro balance for nutrition.
  • kory1969
    kory1969 Posts: 11 Member
    I have to drink the protein shakes its requirement from weight loss surgery. Thanks for sll input