Business travel hints and tips

Tomorrow I will be taking a three day business trip to San Diego. I will be attending a conference that includes meals and receptions. This also means I will be away from my scales for three days. Does anyone have some tips for me to help me stay on track? I will be spending 10 hours on a plane each way. I will have MFP on my blackberry for calorie tracking (assuming I can find rubber chicken meals in the app).

Help! I don't want to give up two weeks of progress by falling off the wagon during a three day trip.


  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I am not knowledgable enough about this to be af any great help. But here is what I do when I travel.
    1. Only eat what you know is not horrible for you (ie the cookies that will always be available)
    2. Only eat until you are satisfied
    3. Think about the calories you eat (there are times I am eating something that I don't really like and if I really think about it I stop), 4. Drink lots of water
    5. If you have a computer or smart phone, stay on MFP.

    Good Luck. This is something you can do.
  • dfunk06
    dfunk06 Posts: 56
    Bring your own pre measured travel snacks.....esp for on the plane. And I would def recommend sugar free hard candy!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have a similar situation coming up and we will be gone for 5 days in a hotel. The conference hotel caters our breakfast and lunch everyday and all of the evenings they have meals planned at restaurants. Not to mention 5 pm everyday everyone drinks until 11 or 12!

    I think I am going to try to stick to the most fresh or plain items I can eat. Raw fruits and veggies and plain meats without sauces. Lots of salad without dressing or ligth dressing and no desserts. Also, MY biggest goal is to stick to a glass of wine or two a night rather than 6 vodkas...
  • toricaldwell
    toricaldwell Posts: 4 Member
    Keep healthy snacks on you to tide you over until you can get a healthy meal in (such as Skinny Cow Snack Bars and protein shakes). Once you make it to your hotel, ask for directions to nearest grocery store and buy the individual portion bags of cut up apples, carrots, celery, etc. When you eat out at restaurants, try to order from their Light Menu, or immediately divide what you order off the regular menu into two portions and ask for a to-go box right away for half. That way you are not tempted to overeat, and you will have food to eat for your next meal.
  • BreakOnThru
    BreakOnThru Posts: 66 Member
    I got back recently from a trip like that, and boy did they feed us well! It's never an easy situation, but a couple of things might help:

    -Drink water throughout the day, more than you think you'll need.
    -Use the hotel fitness center. Or better yet, explore the city by taking an early morning walk or run. A lot of times you can connect with other runners at the conference and go on a group run, which is even more fun.
    -Try to make as healthy food choices there as you would here. If they're offering fresh fruit and potato chips for a snack, pass up the chips. Or maybe split the cookie with someone. I've done this with the jumbo cookies you sometimes find on those exquisite little conference spreads. If I can't find someone to split it with, I'll break it in half and immediately toss the other half in the trash. Better there than in your body.
    -Do allow yourself some indulgences. In the end, it's three days. And assuming you're not going Tazmanian Devil at every meal, you should be all right, especially if you squeeze in a few good workouts.

    Good luck!
  • lizzycomp
    lizzycomp Posts: 64
    I've traveled 3 times since I started MFP! What works for me is to stay active. Most hotels have gyms and walking around San Diego would be very enjoyable! Watch your portions...and make sure every bite you eat is worth it! Have a safe trip!:wink:
  • trapitt
    trapitt Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your sugggestions. they were very helpful and encouraging.

    Glad to say the weekend went very well. I avoided airplane food (except for oatmeal on one flight) and the conference food was very helthy for the most part. I loaded my plate with salad and veggies first and then to very small portions of the meat choices. For desert, it was fruit salad. I ate so well, that I allowed myself some toasted marshmallows at the smores bar ont he last night. I won't know until I weigh in tomorrow morning, but I am betting I will be down a pound.
    Not having scales was tough, but having MFP on my blackberry was helpful.