Conflicting Information



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Yes, there's a TON of information out there. That's good and bad. Problem is, everyone's different so what might work for someone won't work for someone else. You kinda have to wade through all of it to find what works for you. It's a little trial and error, as well. Maybe first narrow down what type of diet seems to work best for you. And then what type of exercise is right for you and will still be interesting enough for you to stick with it. Then weed through the information on those specifics. It's tough, I know! But you'll figure it out. It helped me to take notes, like on a Word document, so I could organize all the info I found relevant. And it also helps to talk to your doctor.

    Bottom line, a lot of people on here will have opinions. Some will make it sound like fact. You have to take what you hear on here or anywhere else on the internet with a grain of salt. I'm always wary when someone posts what you should do. Sure, that's what they do and what works for them, but it's not necessarily what YOU should do.
  • jmo28
    jmo28 Posts: 3
    OK so here I what I learned from getting my degree in exercise science.... I hope this helps for you a bit.

    Lifting- Only lift large amounts of weights if you are tying to look like Arnold. Women, especially those trying to get in shape, should lift lower weights, higher reps. This allows the muscles to tone and by gaining moderate strength. This does not mean lift only a 5 pound weight; you should still be trying. Go for three sets with 15-20 reps in a set and only 30-60 seconds rest between sets. Do not lift the same muscle groups two days in a row. If you lift entire body in one day, you need at least 36-48 hours to recover (ie if you lift on Monday, don't lift again till Wednesday). You can lift upper body one day and lower body the next if you like lifting everyday, but I don't. Try different lifts that work the same muscle groups to switch up your workout and keep your body guessing. There are helpful websites that will show you these to give you ideas. Do LIGHT cardio for 20 minuets after lifting to reduce lactic acid build up.

    Cardio- Intervals are what is called high intensity interval training (HIIT). When doing HIIT cardio you only need to do 15-20 minutes, but you might have to build up to that. HIIT causes high levels of lactic acid build up which will increase stiffness at first. The intervals should range between 30-60 seconds at a high pace/speed and 1-3 minutes recovery at a moderate pace/speed. When at the higher pace, you really need to push (the last 10 seconds should feel like you are going to die). The benefits of HIIT training is that it may boost your metabolism for up to 24 hours after your workout (research suggested). New research also says it increases amount of fat burned as compared to normal cardio. That said, only 20% of your cardio workouts should be HIIT workouts due to the fact that its anaerobic (without oxygen) so you aren't getting the full cardio benefits.

    You only need to do cardio 2-3 days a week and I usually do mine opposite of my lifting days (For example: I ran 7 miles yesterday and lifted this morning. Tomorrow will be HIIT). Keep it within your fat burn zone for max benefits.

    You need both cardio and weights to lose weight, there is no way around it. Lifting burns fats just like cardio and increases muscle mass. Cardio burns fat and boosts metabolism for a time after.

    Food- When you lift, your body needs protein to build the muscle. It doesn't have to be meat, but just lean sources of protein (fat free dairy, edemame, tofu, high protein cereals, nuts). Its a good idea to have a protein snack or some with a meal right after you lift. Carbs aren't bad for you, in fact your brain needs them to function. Just stay away from the white ones which have high glycemic indexes (they raise your blood sugar the most. White bread has the highest). Plus whole grains have protein. Fruits and veggies are good for you, period. What sugar they do have is natural, unprocessed sugar. Your meals should be balanced. Just remember the food pyramid; don't binge on one, neglecting the rest. If you eat back your exercise calories is up to your body. If you don't eat them back and your find yourself stuck in weight loss that means your body is in starvation mode (it just stores everything you eat as fat because its not getting enough; nature's way of preventing us from dying) and you need to eat some/all of your earned calories.

    I hope that was helpful.
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    All I can say is WOW!!!

    Thank you all so much for your input! I have been trying to find a Sports Dietician like my MFP Friend "gaeljo" suggested but still aren't having much luck. I am also going to look into the University in town and see what I can find out about their Exercise/Nutrition department and what they can possibly help with including reading materials. I know that part of my problem is that I have been sitting here at 153-155 lbs. for a couple of years now and am always working on losing weight! I gave up white breads/pasta years ago and frankly don't eat the whole wheat versions very often either. I usually eat pretty well most of the week but have a day or so that I life happens and I don't do as well. I strength train 3x/week and do cardio 3-4x/week. I think I get overwhelmed with the info and don't give things enough time before I move on to something else. Argh! Thanks everyone for the help!

    I guess the REAL problem is that I just haven't found what works for me even after years of trying!

  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I have 3 simple rules, move more, eat less, and when faced with a choice, try to make the best one available.

    Me to! I have this plethora of info floating around my head but I always go back to the basics. Keep it simple, more calories out than in, make the best choices possible, strength train and do cardio to my fullest potential!
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    I think I've found help! I contacted the University in my town and discovered that they have programs there open to the Community. They have one called Metabolism Matters which performs test such as Resting Metabolic Rate and Exercise Metabolic Testing to see what your true numbers are rather than going with the general calculations you find online. I'm waiting for the Department to call me back! I REALLY hope they do so soon!! Thanks again!
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    OMG Im so with you! I read up so much on diet and fitness and everyday there seems to be a new strategy! Its frustrating!!
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 507 Member
    Ha, I had a feeling that this post would bring about even more opinion that, (in my opinion) can just confuse more. Someone said to eat less, workout more, and make good decisions. I agree. Honestly, if you put aside all of the amazing info (right or wrong) and just meat your caloric intake w/ healthy foods and 'work out', then you'll be good to go!

    As I've said before, it seems that all of us have graduated from MFP University. The requirements to do this seem to be losing 5 pounds. So take in all of the info, but remember that 90% of us are not experts... and even some of those who are.... Well, they're just trying to sell a book or dvd.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I think I've found help! I contacted the University in my town and discovered that they have programs there open to the Community. They have one called Metabolism Matters which performs test such as Resting Metabolic Rate and Exercise Metabolic Testing to see what your true numbers are rather than going with the general calculations you find online. I'm waiting for the Department to call me back! I REALLY hope they do so soon!! Thanks again!

    Good Deal! We do that in our school but only during the Spring and Fall semesters. So, don't be discouraged if you don't hear back from them soon since it is now the Summer semester. Give them another call in the Fall semester (mid-August) if you don't hear from them before then.
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