
So Part of it could just be a few bad days but I feel like I am seeing everyone have losses and NSV's and I am stuck where I am.
I have been at this for 80+ days and I feel I am exactly the same as I was when I started..

I know I dont eat the best BY FAR..working on that...I don't do anything other than my 45min workout a day(mostly). I have been drinking a TON more water than I ever have before.. I always heard once I started drinking water, the inches and pounds would fly off....I guess thats a lie..I used to drink 2 cups of water every two weeks before, now Im usually at 3-5 a day..Not a lot but a huge improvement..

I am still waiting to start my new job...for some reason it has taken over a week to get drug test results back, not sure why...I know damn well I didn't fail.

I just know how much things will change once I start working and majority of it for the good...(i.e. more money, more energy, kids will have more interaction with other kids at daycare..) and probably more that I can't think of.

I guess what I am looking for is the motivation to pull keep going and not give up.. I know what I need to do, i just cant do it for a couple more weeks probably (mainly changing eating habits due to money)..I just am not sure I have the want to do it anymore..I feel like its fading fast.

Thanks for at least reading this :)


  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    you're not the only one, I'm not losing either and no NSV's ah well will keep going
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Hang in there! Try not to look at the overall goal, but take each choice at a time and try to take the healthier option. I found that water helps me feel full in the afternoon when I get the munchies, so maybe having an large glass (so about 2 cups) mid afternoon will accomplish two things. it will help you not eat and it will give you two more cups toward your daily goal for water.

    Every good choice moves you closer to a healthy you. Don't lose hope. :flowerforyou:
  • mlewen
    mlewen Posts: 1
    You need to just accept yourself the way you are. Love the way you are now and you will start making better choices about how to treat your body which deserves the very best. Don't ever eat the leftovers your kids don't eat. Mac and cheese is not your friend. Smile as you throw it in the garbage and make yourself some apples with thinly sliced cheese. Don't give up and remember you are no longer gaining and that is wonderful!
  • turbochickheather
    turbochickheather Posts: 3 Member
    Are you doing the same exact workout everyday??? if so, you need to change it up. After 30 days you body adjust to the routine & will stop responding. Also, diet is of major importamce. If you don't change that your progress with stall. It's all about the balance of them both. once you do this you SHOULD see a change.
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    water's not helped me either
  • dosesr4winners20
    Hello! I feel your pain i've been stuck with these last 25 or so lbs i can't kick no matter what. Just hang in there. What helps me is to tell myself keep giong because i know its good for me even if nothing changes. Keep it up!
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Stress is a serious metabolism-killer.

    Hang in there, you are making gains with your water so that is definitely a NSV for you!!

    I know exactly what you mean, though, I have been working on this 'healthy' deal for a couple of years now, and I have been slowly gaining, then plateauing, then I lose a couple pounds, then gain it back, etc. It gets so frustrating, but I've learned that watching other people succeed is also a reward. Cheering people on keeps me coming back to this site, and while I'm here, I might as well log what I'm eating!!

    And let's face it, if you and I were not still logging and TRYING and HOPING and DESPERATELY PRAYING to see the scale move down a bit, we would probably be eating crap and not working out. (Well, I would anyways!!) There is definitely something to be said for maintaining and not gaining.

    Good luck with your new job, I'm sure once things settle down you will start to see some great improvement in your weight loss!!!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Hi Kel

    I hate to say it but the water alone isn't going to make a big difference - but food will.

    Why not take a break for a couple of weeks - and re-start along side your new job with a renewed energy. Set some personal goals for your food as well as your exercise: Personally I would go for something like 'eat a certain amount of fresh fruit/veg, plus x amount of lean protein, and no more than Y amount of carbs per day...

    Then Blog or post about how its going: your work, the food, what you like, what you hate, what you are looking forward too... make it fun again!
  • mrsfeuer
    mrsfeuer Posts: 69 Member
    you can do this.
    I honestly think it costs you more in the long run to not eat healthy.

    I was looking at your food diary and I think what you're eating isn't properly fueling your body. Where's the fruits and veggies?
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    I'm not an expert having only just joined but I would say you need to do two things: vary your exercise and address the food thing. Your body will have got used to doing the same exercise every day and it just won't be as effective so try something different. Also, it's not that the plan isn't working ...if you are not the best eater then you need to make small changes each day to try and do it better and work towards it rather than thinking this is just too huge and giving up.

    Very best of luck - I've followed the plan for only 5 days and I've lost nearly 4lbs which I think is quite miraculous for me so it DOES work. Keep at it - 80 days is a long time to not see many changes so I admire you, especially making the time for working out which is my weakness. Have you been measuring your waist/ hips etc - any changes there that could spur you on?
  • tmontgomery69
    tmontgomery69 Posts: 180
    Are you eating back about 75% of your workout calories? If not, you could be putting your body into starvation mode.

    Example: let's say your net calorie goal is 1700 calories a day and you burn 500 calories from working....1700-500 = 1200 net calories but your goal is actually 1700 net you need to eat more. I know it sounds weird but I've been doing it and I've lost about 19lbs in 7 weeks. :smile:
  • sweat2live
    sweat2live Posts: 18
    Whatever you do, don't give up. You are worth more than the defeated feeling that the status quo wants you to feel. There are little victories along the way - even if for now it is knowing that you are treating yourself to a better lifestyle TODAY. You have gone past the honeymoon period that we all have in the beginning. It took me over a year and a half to lose my 154 lbs, and I had good months and bad months. The plateau that you are in now is pretty natural. Hang in there and keep working. If it helps with the mental game, try changing one thing in your food or exercise. Maybe it's time to confuse your motabolism a little and kickstart your calorie burn. Your body begins to adjust to your changes and begins to plateau. When that happens, shake it up a little.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I understand the jealousy. Sometimes I'm jealous of how fast people lose on here. I started last July. I've been tracking my weight loss on excel because I wanted to track my average weight loss per week. I know I shouldn't be so obsessed with that, but I am. I'm proud of myself for the weight I have lost, but if you calculate the average per week, it's only 0.75 lbs. I would kill to have been able to maintain that 1-2 lbs per week. But that's not happening for me.

    Sometimes, I ignore posts if I think it'll upset me. Maybe you need to do that, too. It's not wrong for you to be discouraged by someone else's success. You just have to be aware that it discourages you and take steps to not have it in your face (perhaps stayin away from the Success Stories board). It's similar to why some people don't like to weigh themselves every day...the daily fluctuations discourage them. You have to find what works for you and keeps you motivated. Everyone's motivation is different. Hang in there!
  • kimark1
    kimark1 Posts: 84 Member
    Don't give up! You can do this for you!! You made the decision to get started which is a huge step forward. I am confident that if you stick with it, you will start seeing results. I agree that sometimes the healthier food options are more expensive. I stay away from those prepackaged 100 calories things and choose carrots, celery, Kashi Bars, Sensible Portions and foods that have alot of fiber all of which aren't too expensive. The other thing I found is buying real carrots and not those baby carrots. The big carrots have much more flavor and are more satisfying to me. One of the best things I have found is being true to my calorie intake and recording everything! Maybe you need to change up your exercise routine and see if that may jumpstart your weight loss. Keep it up!!! I know you can do it!!!:happy:
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    Thank you to all who have taken the time to read this and post to it. I really appreciate it and I didn't know so many people felt the same way..

    With my exercise, I have been doing JM's 30DS on and off for 2 months, skipping the weekends and such. I have done all 3 levels and only do each for 5-8 days at a time and then go to another. I am mixing it up some but probably could do more.

    As far as my diary and why it sucks is because of being highly limited in funding..50% of my grocery allowance(lack of a better word) is for diapers/pull ups and baby food.. Yes I am trying potty training and it is not going well for me and my 14 month old needs the diapers. He cant have most stuff with regular milk in it so I am limited on what he can eat, that is why I opt for the baby food altho it is pricey.

    I am hoping once we get a second income aside from just my hubs income, I will start to buy more groceries and healthier options. I don't mind eating healthier at all..I just have to make small changes in that sense with a picky 3 yr old. If I start slow he will come around since he is so young he doesnt know there are crappy food choices out there.

    I am sooo looking forward to starting my new job, I feel like time is going so slow while I am just sitting here doing nothing and waiting. I am not a patient person<--another issue of mine lol..I have gotten better over the past couple years, its amazing the changes you make without realizing once you have children. :)

    I will not give one person said, I am not steadily gaining anymore and that is a good thing. I am mindful of what I eat and If I do eat crappy, I try to eat less of it.

    Small changes are the best and I need to accept that this will not happen over night.

    As someone else said, I need to love myself..well I don't, I dont think I ever have. I am just not ok with accepting that I am fat, that I cant read a book to my son without yawning for oxygen, that I cant run around my less than 1 mile block without probably falling over(dont worry, never tried, I was just guessing). It's pathetic and I dont accept it. I am in this to change myself..My willpower isnt as strong as it needs to be but I am a "boredom" eater and it sucks. I need to be busy and I am anything but. I have been a stay at home mom for 2 yrs now..I did work from home which helped some with breaking up the day. I LOVE the fact that I could be home with my kids, wouldnt have changed it but now that I am not working and they are getting older I feel they need interaction with someone other than just me. I think for all of our sakes (my family) it will help relax things and take some stress away.

    Lol, again...just trying to patiently wait to start this job. I know things will change after that. I just needed the motivation to get thru these next couple weeks. :)
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I understand your jealousy. BUT... you can't WISH the weight away. The people you are jealous of are doing more than drinking water to try to lose weight. They are watching what they eat. They are exercising. AND they are drinking tons of water. They are following the program. One thing you may not realize is how long it's taken them to do it. I've been here for one month and have lost a grand total of 5 lbs. Big whoop! BUT... I'm running further than I ever have. I'm dropping inches. You've got to WORK for it - it won't just happen because you're drinking a little bit of water.

    Working out for 45 minutes is GREAT - but not following up with diet could completely un-do all the work you've done. (Trust me - before I came here, I was running and not losing ANYTHING!)

    I went back through your diary and it's hard to tell whether you are over-eating or not eating enough. You seem to be logging only about 2/3 of the time. Some days are not complete. Some days are missing altogether. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF -and log daily - regardless of how "bad" you think you are doing, LOG IT. Not logging it does not make it have no calories! :wink: Be accountable! It's very easy to under-estimate how much you're eating if you aren't logging. Try it for 2 weeks, then go back and review your diary. If you do that, I'll bet you'll see why the scale isn't moving (I'm eating too much, not enough, too many carbs, etc.)

    This is not a diet. It's a lifestyle change. You can only make the change when you are ready to make the change. It's a choice. Be diligent and Hang in there! You CAN do this.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Friend me and I will help motivate you if you want. Remember this is a life style change and it doens't happen overnight. Keep it up and you will get there. Also, I read somewhere that stress causes weight gain/weigh plateaus. Keep it up! Together we can do this one day, one inch, one pound at a time!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    hey girl, drinking water is better than drinking anything else, it will make you go pee and make your stomach feel good. Its not magic so it cant automatically make you lose weight or inches, thats where diet comes in.

    we have a very limited budget and as much as I would like to buy organic and very clean I cant the husband is not having it, we need to stretch every dollar, we buy chicken at bulk, it might not be perdue but it keeps us with food, I buy crap sometimes too its just about counting portions... you can totally lose weight eating junk thats when you have to cut calories,

    have you heard about the doctor that lost a lot of weight on twinkies? it was just calories cutting, so dont think that you cant lose weight on crap, it might not be healthy for your body but if you want to see that scale go down it will help... I get jealous too, we are women and its natural! so just keep focused on your goals and do with what you have.....good luck!
  • chasekilgannon
    I understand your jealousy. BUT... you can't WISH the weight away. The people you are jealous of are doing more than drinking water to try to lose weight. They are watching what they eat. They are exercising. AND they are drinking tons of water. They are following the program. One thing you may not realize is how long it's taken them to do it. I've been here for one month and have lost a grand total of 5 lbs. Big whoop! BUT... I'm running further than I ever have. I'm dropping inches. You've got to WORK for it - it won't just happen because you're drinking a little bit of water.

    Working out for 45 minutes is GREAT - but not following up with diet could completely un-do all the work you've done. (Trust me - before I came here, I was running and not losing ANYTHING!)

    I went back through your diary and it's hard to tell whether you are over-eating or not eating enough. You seem to be logging only about 2/3 of the time. Some days are not complete. Some days are missing altogether. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF -and log daily - regardless of how "bad" you think you are doing, LOG IT. Not logging it does not make it have no calories! :wink: Be accountable! It's very easy to under-estimate how much you're eating if you aren't logging. Try it for 2 weeks, then go back and review your diary. If you do that, I'll bet you'll see why the scale isn't moving (I'm eating too much, not enough, too many carbs, etc.)

    This is not a diet. It's a lifestyle change. You can only make the change when you are ready to make the change. It's a choice. Be diligent and Hang in there! You CAN do this.

    This, this, THIS!
  • DaveNix
    DaveNix Posts: 78 Member
    I honestly think it costs you more in the long run to not eat healthy.

    I was looking at your food diary and I think what you're eating isn't properly fueling your body. Where's the fruits and veggies?
    Are you eating back about 75% of your workout calories? If not, you could be putting your body into starvation mode.
    Whatever you do, don't give up

    But most of all, THIS:
    I went back through your diary and it's hard to tell whether you are over-eating or not eating enough. You seem to be logging only about 2/3 of the time. Some days are not complete. Some days are missing altogether. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF -and log daily - regardless of how "bad" you think you are doing, LOG IT. Not logging it does not make it have no calories! wink Be accountable! It's very easy to under-estimate how much you're eating if you aren't logging. Try it for 2 weeks, then go back and review your diary. If you do that, I'll bet you'll see why the scale isn't moving (I'm eating too much, not enough, too many carbs, etc.)

    This is not a diet. It's a lifestyle change. You can only make the change when you are ready to make the change. It's a choice. Be diligent and Hang in there! You CAN do this.

    You have to:

    1. Be honest with yourself.
    2. Log every meal, whether you like it or not.
    3. Be honest in your logging. (Look back at my log - I'm not proud of that 4000 calorie day, but it's there.)
    4. Read the FAQs again. They're at the top of the main board - they are VITAL to the success of this. Look at the logs of your MFP friends - see what they're doing. I love Almond Milk! 2 months ago, no way I would have tried it.
    5. EAT! When you are logging, you have a lot of days around 1100 calories net, which is probably putting your body into starvation mode, defeating the purpose of cutting back. It's the bang or bust cycle. You have to rid yourself of that mentality.
    6. DRINK! 8 glasses a day is hard - but you have to provide your body with the medium to do it's work. (Insert a lot of basic biology here).
    7. BE MERRY! Some days, some weeks, life happens. Don't let a bad meal ruin a day, or a bad day ruin a week. Keep at it!

    2+ months here - I'm donating my SKINNY clothes to Goodwill. It works.